新目标(Go for it)版初中英语九年级(全一册)全册教案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章新目标(Go for it)版初中英语九年级(全一册)全册教案更新完毕开始阅读

Check the answers. Five students each read a sentence , the rest of the Read and write. students check their answers. III.Part 2 This activity provides reading and writing practice using the target language. Read the instructions to the class. Call attention to the article. Read it to the class. Explain the new vocabulary perform and primary. Point to the letter beneath the article. Ask students to complete the work on their own on a separate piece of paper. Show the sample version on the screen by a projector. Students may use it as a model. Dear Editor, I would like to reply to the article “Helping and Learning” in your last newsletter. I agree with some ideas and disagree with others. The article said that students should be allowed to volunteer more often. I think it's a good idea. Because volunteering is good for future jobs. However, I don't agree to the suggestion that students should visit primary schools and help teach young students. I think we are just students. We have no experience in teaching. We should do something we can. Yours, Wei Ming Hand in their work. Step4 Summary 板 书 设 计 Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. The Fifth Period A list of rules: 1 Members are allowed to use English-English dictionaries. 2 Members aren't allowed to speak Chinese but English. 3 Members aren't allowed to be late. 4 … English 课型 fresh 年级 9 教 学 反 思 学科 课题 Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. 6/6 教学A tape recorder , CAI 媒体 知识 技能 Key Vocabulary achieve realistic succeed 教 学 目 标 过程 方法 According to designing some tasks to improve students' ability of reading. 情感 态度 教学重点 教学难点 Practice reading Improve students' ability of reading comprehension. 教学内容及教师活动 Step 1 Revision Have a dictation about this class. Step 2 Presentation I.1a This activity allows students to give their opinions about the responsibilities they have as teenagers. Ask some students to say how old they are and what grade they are in. write up the grade and age of the students. Ask about the age of students in other grades and list them on the board. Ask them to talk in groups and decide on the age of a teenager (13-19). Ask the groups to list some rules that they agree should be obeyed, both at school and at home. share their ideas with the class. II.1b This activity expects each student to make a decision and tell the group what it is. Ask the groups to look at the title questions. Each student must decide on an answer. Each group will report how many YESes and NOs they have. Find out the result for the entire class. III. While You Read Ask students to read the passage once without stopping for general understanding. When most students have finished reading, ask for a show of hands to indicate they have enderstood the general idea. Ask some student to give examples of language they don’t know and want to be able to use. Discuss the meanings of these words or phrases. Ⅳ 3a This activity allows the students to actively use some new language from the reading. Ask students to find and underline 学生活动 Write follow the teacher. Work in groups to have a discussion. Read the title questions and make a decision. Read the passage. Work in groups to have a discussion. Read the passage again. Write an example of 设计意图 检查学生课下复习情况,为本节课做好准备。 培养学生独立阅读能力。 通过小组活动,锻炼学生合作精神。 the three phrases. their own. V 3b This activity develops the idea of the difference of opinion between Liu Yu and his parents. Ask students to give some examples of how they know their parents care Read the about them. passage again Tell students to find examples in and do exercise the reading that show Liu Yu’s in 3b. parents love him. Ask students to list examples to show that Liu Yu is unhappy with his parents’ attitude. Check the answers. VI 3c This activity expects students to decide if they agree with Liu Yu or his parents. Work in pairs to Go around listening in on the discuss the conversations. Help with vocabulary question. and the expression of ideas and thoughts. Encourage students to refer to the information in the reading. VII Go For It Ask students to write a schedule Do part 4 that plans their time for schoolwork and hobbies. As they do this, move around the room and offer help as needed. Ask students what the benefits are of a schedule like this. Suggest students share this plan with their parents when they go home. Step3 Summary 板 书 Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. 设 Key Vocabulary 计 achieve realistic succeed 教 学 反 思