2011年北京市政工中级职称 - 英语 - 考试复习题1 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章2011年北京市政工中级职称 - 英语 - 考试复习题1更新完毕开始阅读


Passage Six

―There‘s No Place Like Home for the Holidays.‖ This is the 1 of a popular song of the Christmas and New Year‘s holiday 2 . It suggests the importance of the 3 of home in the United States. For many people home is more than just a 4 ; it is the 5 of an ideal of family happiness.

But the reality of the home at holiday time 6 very different from the dream. Part of the 7 is the importance of the Christmas and New Year‘s season 8 . People in the United States 9 a lot from the holidays. They spend money, go to parties, and get 10 with family members. They eat, drink, and play and even watch TV and sleep--with higher hopes than 11 any other time of the year. And all this happy activity is centered in the home.

12 many people are not used to spending so much time relaxing and playing at home away from their 13 work and study at school. For many people, their jobs are the center of their lives. This leads to some 14 results: first, holiday fun at home can become strangely 15 ; second, people can actually begin looking forward to going back to work; third, the change from home back to work can be mentally and physically difficult to deal with. 1. [A] story [B] name [C] example [D] reason 2. [A] rest [B] activity [C] celebration [D] season 3. [A] idea [B] thought [C] theory [D] feeling 4. [A] family [B] dream [C] place [D] room 5. [A] cause [B] center [C] experience [D] meaning 6. [A] can be [B] should be [C] have to be [D] need to be 7. [A] discussion [B] explanation [C] difference [D] problem 8. [A] oneself [B] ourselves [C] itself [D] themselves 9. [A] expect [B] desire [C] practice [D] receive 10. [A] close [B] along [C] on [D] together 11. [A] in [B] at [C] for [D] from 12. [A] Because [B] Since [C] But [D] Although 13. [A] ordinary [B] normal [C] common [D] personal 14. [A] surprising [B] serious [C] interesting [D] dangerous 15. [A] unnecessary [B] terrible [C] annoying [D] hopeless

Passage Seven

Pat Hansen made a once-in-a-lifetime visit to China last October and took lots of photos. When she __1__ she decided to send away her films for printing one at a time. In this way she would __2__ be able to Match her photos to the __3__ she had kept while she was there. It was A good thing that she did , __4__ the first film she sent to the company for printing was lost.

Miss Hansen was very __5__ that she would never see her valuable pictures of Shanghai and Suzhou. The company __6__ her a free roll of film, but Miss Hansen __7__ to accept this offer and wrote back to say that their offer wasn‘t enough. They __8__ offered her 20but she refused (拒绝) this too and asked for 75, __9__ she thought was quite __10__ .When the firm refused to pay she said she __11__ go to court(法庭). __12__ the matter went to court, however, the firm decided to pay Miss Hansen 75.This shows __13__ can be done if you make the __14__ to complain to a firm or a factory and __15__ getting fair treatment. 1. (A) arrived (B) passed (C) got back (D)got out 2. (A) happily (B) easily (C)carefully (D)willingly 3. (A) diary (B) map (C) passport (D)paper 4. (A) so (B) but (C) and (D) because 5. (A) surprised (B) frightened (C) serious (D) sad 6. (A) returned (B) offered (C) requested (D) fixed 7. (A) favored (B) decided (C) refused (D) failed 8. (A) then (B) thus (C) after all (D) at once 9. (A) that (B) which (C) one (D) this 10. (A) expensive (B) fair (C) correct (D) equal 11. (A) must (B) should (C) could (D) would 12. (A) As (B) Since (C) Before (D) Although 13. (A) that (B) it (C) what (D)which 14. (A) effort (B) mind (C) promise (D) suggestion 15. (A) quarrel about (B) set out (C) point to (D)insist on



Passage Eight

On the shore of Lake Sawyer, there is a mountain. I (1) it Treasure Mountain. When I was a young man, I used to (2) there alone. One day in June while I was taking a walk, it began to (3) . A terrific storm moved in very quickly, and I was quite (4) . It was (5) like mad, trees were (6) over, and lightning was (7) all around me. After wandering (8) for several hours, I found a cave in the side of the mountain. The cave was about five feet (9) and 100 yards in depth. It was good (10) from the storm. I was cold, wet, and sad so I went far into the back of the (11) and lighted a match. To my surprise, I saws a large wooden (12) with a strong iron lock. The lock was too thick for me to (13) , and the chest was too (14) for me to carry. I (15) what might be in the chest. Could there be jewels or golden coins inside? I was so (16) that I couldn‘t sleep. In the morning, I left and found my way home. I (17) myself to return with tools to open the chest and get the (18) .

I have tried to keep that promise. Every summer for 20 years I have gone back alone to Treasure Mountain. However, I have (19) to find the cave. Sometimes life is too (20) to believe!

1. [A] name [B] call [C] describe [D] say 2. [A] walk [B] enter [C] climb [D] run 3. [A] rain [B] wind [C] storm [D] lightening 4. [A] sad [B] excited [C] worried [D] happy 5. [A] shouting [B] raining [C] pouring [D] blowing 6. [A] blowing [B] bending [C] pulling [D] coming 7. [A] crashing [B] dashing [C] flashing [D] throwing 8. [A] slowly [B] carefully [C] quickly [D] aimlessly 9. [A] long [B] deep [C] high [D] narrow 10.[A] time [B] place [C] thing [D] protection 11.[A] cave [B] trees [C] mountain [D] storm 12.[A] suitcase [B] box [C] chest [D] tool 13.[A] break [B] carry [C] take [D] keep 14.[A] big [B] old [C] thick [D] heavy 15.[A] found out [B] though about [C] drew up [D] wrote about 16.[A] worried [B] disappointed [C] excited [D] happy 17.[A] forced [B] told [C] asked [D] promised 18.[A] money [B] jewels [C] golden coins [D] treasure 19.[A] managed [B] failed [C] continued [D] decided 20. [A] cruel [B] exciting [C] wonderful [D] changeable

Passage Nine

How did movies begin? It is often said that they are an American invention (发明),but this is not entirely true. The motion picture has been the most 1 of the arts. Before the dawn of the 20th century, inventors in France, England, and the United States were 2 the dozens of men who were trying to 3 ways of using photographs to 4 the effect of motion.

Soon after 1889, 5 Thomas Edison first showed motion pictures through a device (装置) 6 the kinetoscope, other devices for the same 7 appeared all over the world. Edison solved certain problems making 8 possible for other inventors to 9 ahead with their own devices. The other important thing by Edison was the 10 of 35mm as the international 11 film width. When it became possible to use any 35mm machine for 12 movies from any part of the world, the international 13 of films could begin. Less than ten years after the 14 of the movies, American pictures 15 on the same programs with short films from England and France. 1. [A]national [B]basic [C]international [D]convenient 2. [A]from [B]among [C]in [D]of 3. [A]develop [B]control [C]follow [D]express 4. [A]create [B]improve [C]pretend [D]raise 5. [A]while [B]since [C]because [D]when 6. [A]mentioned [B]recognized [C]called [D]spelt 7. [A]goal [B]purpose [C]task [D]technique 8. [A]it [B]one [C]this [D]that



9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

[A]march [B]move [A]advance [B]decision [A]major [B]central [A]enjoying [B]managing [A]trading [B]circling [A]use [B]production [A]have been shown [C]had been shown [C]practice

[C]introduction [C]correct [C]showing [C]experiment [C]receipt [B]were being shown [D]are being shown


[D]construction [D]standard [D]performing [D]club [D]birth

Passage Ten


Even after the railroad had come and the car revolution had taken place, the great distances to be traveled and the time necessary to do remained a major problem. The three largest 1 , New York/New Jersey, Los Angeles/Long Beach and Chicago, are very far apart. New York to Chicago is 700 miles and from Chicago to Los Angeles over 1 700 miles. Then, in the 20th century, a second 2 revolution has taken place: the airplane has become the 3 factor(因素)in 4 transportation. Especially during the last twenty years, the 5 of airplanes and the amount of flying has 6 enormously. In some ways, this revolution is 7 the first one which was brought about by the 8 .Flying in the United States is now very 9 for just about any American. One reason is the enormous 10 that have to be covered in order to get from one corner of the 11 to the other. Another reason is that it is less 12 in America, on the 13 ,than just about anywhere else. Competition 14 the several hundred interstate and interstate and international American airlines, all of them privately 15 ,is great. This development has also accelerated(加速) 16 the civilian airlines were first“deregulated(解除管制)‖, that is, allowed to compete with each other for more routes and 17 , in the late 1970s. Today, the U.S. airlines possess over one-fifth of all civilian 18 in the world.1. [A] areas [B] places [C] cities [D]districts 2. [A] technology [B] scientific [C] transportation [D] social 3. [A] necessary [B] major [C] important [D] decisive 4. [A] collective [B] group [C] personal [D] mass 5. [A] size [B] speed [C] comfort [D] number 6. [A] widened [B] grown [C] developed [D] climbed 7. [A] similar to [B] different from [C] compared to [D] judged by 8. [A] train [B] car [C] steam engine [D] sailing ship 9. [A] enjoyable [B] popular [C] common [D] usual 10. [A] grounds [B] area [C] lengths [D] distances 11. [A] country [B] world [C] land [D] nation 12. [A] strict [B] expensive [C] difficult [D] inconvenient 13. [A] surface [B] average [C] plane [D] flight 14. [A] for [B] against [C] between [D] with 15. [A] owned [B] managed [C] organized [D] planned 16. [A] because [B] though [C] after [D] since 17. [A] passengers [B] airplanes [C] customers [D] airports 18. [A] flying [B] travel [C] aircraft [D]airlines

Passage Eleven

When Phillips was on his way to the airport one afternoon, he asked the driver to wait outside the bank while he collected some traveler‘s checks.

The plane was to _1_ at 5:30.From the bank there was still a _2_ journey to the airport. Phillip_3_ watched the scene along the way. Shortly before arriving, he began _4_ the things he would need for the _5_. Tickets, money, the address of his hotel, traveler‘s checks… Just a moment. How about his passport? Phillip went through his pockets. He suddenly_6_ that he must have left his passport_7_ . _8_ to return to the bank. This was the _9_ time he was representing(代表)his firm for an important_10_ with the manager of a French firm in Paris the following morning. Without a passport he would be _11_ to board the plane. At the moment, the taxi _12_ outside the air terminal. Phillip got out, took his suitcase and _13_ the driver. He then _ 14_ a good deal of confusion(混乱)in the building. A _15_ could be heard over the loudspeaker.

―We very much _16_ that owing to a twenty-four –hour strike of airport staff, all flights for the



rest o today have had to be called off. Passengers are _17_ to get in touch with their travel agents or with this terminal for _18_ on tomorrow‘s flights. Phillip gave _19_ . He would let his firm know about this situation and, thank goodness, he would have the opportunity of calling at his bank the following morning to _20_ his passport.

1. [A]leave [B]start of [C]check in [D]fly 2. [A]pleasant [B]short [C]long [D]rough 3. [A]carefully [B]merely [C]excitedly [D]slightly 4. [A]counting [B]looking over [C]thinking about [D]checking 5. [A]trip [B]plane [C]meeting [D]flight 6. [A]remembered [B]realized [C]noticed [D]learned 7. [A]at home [B]at the office [C]at the bank [D]in the taxi 8. [A]time [B]chance [C]possibility [D]use 9. [A]golden [B]last [C]only [D]first 10. [A]journey [B]meeting [C]business [D]visit 11. [A]sad [B]unable [C]impossible [D]difficult 12. [A]stopped [B]was driven [C]reached [D]was parked 13. [A]left [B]sent away [C]paid [D]saidbye-bye to 14. [A]started [B]noticed [C]caught [D]found 15. [A]voice [B]noise [C]call [D]speech 16. [A]apologize [B]announce [C]worry [D]regret 17. [A]advised [B]forced [C]told [D]persuaded 18. [A]ideas [B]information [C]plans [D]time 19. [A]a loud laugh [B]a deep sign [C]a big smile [D]a sharp cry 20. [A]return [B]find [C]recover [D]gather Passage Twelve

Small Kindness

Five years ago, when Jane Paley visited the New York City‘s Riker‘s Island prison, a woman prisoner told her that she 1 wonderful. As president of Friendly Visitors , a 50-year-old 2 whose goal or purpose is to 3 ― acts of loving kindness that don‘t 4 large sums of money or hours of work ,‖ Paley 5 went to New York City prison . That day , though , 6 occurred in her head .

Her group had long 7 money so the 100 women in the prison‘s re-education program could 8 extra food and treats. Why not give them some toiletries too?

Paley and 35 other women 9 the perfect way to get the goods: They asked friends to collect hotel soaps, shampoos and lotions 10 they travel. Volunteers put these into colorfully printed paper bags and 11 them to Riker‘s prison several times a year, including Christmas and Mother‘s Day.

These mini-gifts make the women prisoners feel 12 , says Sandra Lewis Smith, the director for public relations for the Department of Corrections (and also a Friendly Visitor). ―You can see them 13 themselves around a little bit.‖

So, Paley says, ―If you‘re 14 enough to afford a vacation, take the soap and shampoos. Bring them to homeless shelters, battered women‘s shelters or any organization in need. It‘s a 15 act that may mean a great deal. ‖ 1. [A] smelled [B] appeared [C] acted [D] felt 2. [A] citizen [B] company [C]organization [D] party 3. [A] put on [B] perform [C] keep up [D] enjoy 4. [A] spend [B] waste [C] gain [D] require 5. [A] seldom [B] frequently [C] usually [D]sometimes 6. [A] an idea [B] a suggestion [C] a problem [D] an answer 7. [A] saved [B] made [C] borrowed [D] given 8. [A] receive [B] buy [C] ask for [D] change for 9. [A] made out [B] prepared [C] figured out [D] designed 10. [A] when [B] because [C] if [D] unless 11. [A] show [B] carry [C] transport [D] deliver 12. [A] beautiful [B] comfortable [C] peaceful [D] satisfied 13. [A] improve [B] turn [C] regret [D] obey 14. [A] free [B] kind [C] lucky [D] convenient 15. [A] meaningful [B] small [C] great [D] careless