2020-2021学年江苏省中考英语一模试卷及答案解析 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章2020-2021学年江苏省中考英语一模试卷及答案解析更新完毕开始阅读

17.答案:C.考查名词.句意\它们面对更多的___\.根据because Descendants of the Sun(太阳的后裔) and My Love from the Star really made a big success太阳的后裔和来自星星的你取得了巨大成功.可知中国的肥皂剧面临更多的问题.答案是C.

18.答案:A.考查动词.句意\这甚至__一些中国高级官员看韩国的肥皂剧\.A吸引.B抓住.C控制.D导致.根据A senior officer said he sometimes watched soap operas from South Korea,可知应该是吸引了中国高级官员.答案是A.

19.答案:B.考查固定搭配.句意\一位高级官员说他有时看韩国的肥皂剧____看美国歌剧.\.根据in South Korea and in America have a lot of lovers in China韩国的肥皂剧和美国的歌剧在中国有许多喜爱者,可知这位高级官员既看肥皂剧也看美国歌剧.答案是B.

20.答案:D.考查单词辨析.句意\来自韩国和美国的戏剧__在中国有很多喜欢的人.\.all全部,either两个中的一个.neither两者都不.D两者都.根据 in South Korea and in America可知,应该用both.答案是D.

21.答案:A.考查动词.句意\很多人__许多中国人不是更喜爱中国的肥皂剧\.根据because they are not as interesting as…因为它们不像…那样有趣.可知应该是很多人都同意.答案是A. 22.答案:D.考查名词.句意\因为它们不像韩国和美国的___那样有趣\.根据such as My Love from the Star来自星星的你,可知应该是肥皂剧.答案是D.


24.答案:A.考查名词.句意\我们从韩国学习的它,但是一些中国人不知道___\.根据\Man\.We learned it from South Korea跑男不是中国原创的,它是借鉴韩国的,因此用fact,表示事实.答案是A.

25.答案:B.考查名词.句意\但是为什么来自这个___国家的节目总是似乎更好呢?\.根据China has a closer culture with South Korea韩国与中国的文化是相近的.及实际情况可知,应该是\邻居\关系,即邻国.答案是B.

三、阅读理解(共4小题, 每小题3分,满分15分)阅读下列材料,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项. 26.3Scientists Awarded

The 2015Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine

Name:Youyou Tu Born:1930,China Prize share:1/2

Working place:China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Name:Satoshi Omura Born:1935,Japan Prize share:1/4 Working place:Kitasato


Name:William C.Campbell Born:1930,Ireland Prize share:1/4 Working place:Drew


26.William C.Campbell was born in C . A.China B.Japan C.Ireland D.Germany

27.Among the three scientists,who is the youngest? B A.Youyou Tu. B.Satoshi Omura. C.William C.Campbell D.We don't know.

28.Suppose the total prize for the 3scientists is 1,000,000,how much will Youyou Tu get? B A.250,000 B.500,000 C.750,000 D.1,000,000.

【考点】人物故事类阅读. 【分析】文章大意:


1.姓名:屠呦呦,出生:1930年,中国;奖金分享1/2;工作地点:中国中医科学院. 2.姓名:Satoshi Omura;出生:1935年,日本;奖金分享:1/4;工作地点:北里大学. 3.姓名:William C.Campbell;出生:1930年,爱尔兰;奖金分享:1/4;工作地点:德鲁大学. 【解答】26.C,推理判断题.在文章第三幅图片下方显示\:1930,Ireland\,William C.Campbell于1930年在Ireland(爱尔兰)出生,所以选择C.

27.B,推理判断题.由三人介绍可知,屠呦呦和William C.Campbell出生于1930年,Satoshi Omura出生于1935年,所以Satoshi Omura最年轻,选择B.


29.DISNEY's theme park,its first on the Chinese mainland,Shanghai Disneyland,has already been completed,and will open its doors on June 16,2016.\,\Disney Company said.

Shanghai Disneyland will host an opening celebration to welcome its first guests.At the opening,it will hold more Chinese﹣style activities instead of Western﹣style ones,because the host wants to show China's local traditional culture.\﹣day celebration and are hiring more than 8,000actors,\,Shanghai Disneyland's general manager,told Shanghai Television yesterday. So why has Disneyland been so popular?Well,it's described as\for the young and young at heart\.Disney's storytelling in rides like roller coasters is a big reason for their parks'success.\,\.

However,Disney's parks haven't always been popular everywhere.When Disneyland Paris opened in 1992,some French people felt that American culture was invading(入侵) France.But still,the park stayed open and today it is a popular place for European visitors.

29.Why did the company decide to open on the date of\,2016\? C A.Because that day is quite close to the summer holiday. B.Because the opening celebration won't be ready until that day. C.Because the number SIX is considered to be\. D.Because Shanghai Disneyland won't be completed until that day.

30.Shanghai Disneyland will C at the opening. A.tell stories to the guests B.mainly show Western culture C.have more activities of Chinese﹣style D.invite guests to have a roller﹣coaster ride

31.What can we infer(推断) from the last paragraph? D A.At first,Disneyland Paris was a great success. B.American culture is quite similar to French culture. C.Disney's parks have always been popular around the world. D.Disneyland Paris attracts many visitors from Europe at present. 【考点】社会文化类阅读.


【解答】29.C 细节理解题 根据\,\said.\可知,是因为在中国\是一个幸运的数字,故答案为C

30.C 细节理解题 根据\,it will hold more Chinese﹣style activities instead of Western﹣style ones\可知,开幕式将会按照中国的风格举行很多活动.故答案为C

31.D 推理判断题 根据最后一段的大意可知,在法国,迪士尼乐园却并不受欢迎,因为他们认为这是一种美国文化的入侵,但是现在却受到很多欧洲游客的欢迎.故答案为D

32.The Smallest Life Around UsTiny plants and animals live all around us.We cannot see them because they are so small,but they are everywhere.

They live in the soil,the air,and in rivers and oceans.They grow on mountains and in caves.Some live in the ice at the north and south poles; some live where it is very hot.They are found throughout cities and in the country.They grow on other plants and animals.Some are even living on you,on your skin,hair,and inside your body,in your mouth,nose,and all through your intestines(肠). These tiny plants and animals are called microbes.The word microbe is made from two other words:micro,meaning small,and bios,meaning life.So,microbe means small life.