2020-2021学年江苏省中考英语一模试卷及答案解析 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章2020-2021学年江苏省中考英语一模试卷及答案解析更新完毕开始阅读

Shanghai Disneyland will host an opening celebration to welcome its first guests.At the opening,it will hold more Chinese﹣style activities instead of Western﹣style ones,because the host wants to show China's local traditional culture.\﹣day celebration and are hiring more than 8,000actors,\,Shanghai Disneyland's general manager,told Shanghai Television yesterday. So why has Disneyland been so popular?Well,it's described as\for the young and young at heart\.Disney's storytelling in rides like roller coasters is a big reason for their parks'success.\,\.

However,Disney's parks haven't always been popular everywhere.When Disneyland Paris opened in 1992,some French people felt that American culture was invading(入侵) France.But still,the park stayed open and today it is a popular place for European visitors.

29.Why did the company decide to open on the date of\,2016\? A.Because that day is quite close to the summer holiday. B.Because the opening celebration won't be ready until that day. C.Because the number SIX is considered to be\. D.Because Shanghai Disneyland won't be completed until that day. 30.Shanghai Disneyland will at the opening. A.tell stories to the guests B.mainly show Western culture C.have more activities of Chinese﹣style D.invite guests to have a roller﹣coaster ride

31.What can we infer(推断) from the last paragraph? A.At first,Disneyland Paris was a great success. B.American culture is quite similar to French culture. C.Disney's parks have always been popular around the world. D.Disneyland Paris attracts many visitors from Europe at present.

32.The Smallest Life Around UsTiny plants and animals live all around us.We cannot see them because they are so small,but they are everywhere.

They live in the soil,the air,and in rivers and oceans.They grow on mountains and in caves.Some live in the ice at the north and south poles; some live where it is very hot.They are found throughout cities

and in the country.They grow on other plants and animals.Some are even living on you,on your skin,hair,and inside your body,in your mouth,nose,and all through your intestines(肠). These tiny plants and animals are called microbes.The word microbe is made from two other words:micro,meaning small,and bios,meaning life.So,microbe means small life.

Microbes have been on earth for a very long time.They may have been the first forms of life to be alive.Today there are more microbes in the world than all other living things.

People did not know microbes had existed(存在) long.They were too small for them to see. But people did see many changes in their world﹣important changes.And they did not know what caused them.They saw food that they kept too long change color and begin to smell bad.They saw cuts and wounds grow red and painful and become infected(感染).They saw old plants and leaves and trees crumble apart on the forest floor and disappear into the soil.Such changes were a natural part of the world,but people did not understand them.They did not know these changes were evidence of tiny plants and animals growing all around them. 32.Where do microbes live? A.Only in the forest. B.Almost everywhere. C.Most in very hot areas. D.Most in rivers and oceans.

33.Why couldn't people see microbes? A.Because they are too small. B.Because they live inside our body. C.Because they live far from humans.

D.Because they may have been the first forms of life to be alive.

34.The underlined phrase\ \. A.grow taller B.change into soil C.break into tiny pieces

D.become colourful and energetic

35.Choose the answer that completes the web below.

A.Microbes are very small B.Microbes are all around us C.People can't see microbes D.Food begins to smell bad.

36.Stanley,as a son of a very poor farmer,left school early and went to work in a factory,for education was for the rich then.So,the world became his school.With great interest,he read everything he could,listened to the town elders and learned about the world beyond his hometown.\,\.\,only the stupid remain that way.\children would be refused an education.

Therefore,Stanley insisted that we should learn at least one new thing each day.Though,as children,we thought this was crazy,we'd still do that.And dinner time seemed perfect for sharing what we learned.We would talk about the news of the day.Sometimes the news was unimportant,but it was always taken seriously.Stanley would listen carefully and discuss it with us. Then came the moment﹣the time to share the day's new learning. \,\,\.\\…\Silence.

Stanley was thinking about what was said.\.Hmm.Well…\.\map; let's see where Denmark is.\.

This same experience was repeated until each family member had a turn.Dinner ended only after we had a clear understanding of at least half a dozen such facts.

As children,we thought very little about these educational wonders.Our family,however,was growing together,sharing experiences and joining in one another's education.And by looking at us,listening to us,respecting what we learned,confirming our value,Stanley was surely our most influential teacher. Later during my training as a future teacher,I studied with some of the most famous educators.They were imparting(传授) what Stanley knew all along﹣the value of continual learning.His skills have served me well all my life.Not a single day has been wasted,though I can never tell when knowing the population of Denmark might prove useful. 36.What do we know from Paragraph 1? A.Those born stupid could not change their life. B.The poor could hardly afford school education. C.The town elders wanted to learn about the world. D.The writer's father was born in a worker's family.

37.The underlined word\(指代) . A.one new thing B.sharing what we learn C.crazy idea

D.learning one new thing

38.From the passage,we know that the writer . A.knew very well about Denmark B.felt regret about those wasted days C.thought his father's educational skills useful D.only talked about important news with his family

39.What is the greatest value of\? A.Continual learning. B.Showing talents. C.Family get﹣together. D.Eating delicious food.