八年级下册外研版Module 8 Unit 1教案(含反思) 联系客服

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圆学子梦想 铸金字品牌



Module 8 Time off

Unit 1 I can hardly believe we’re in the city centre.

第一 Unit 1 I can hardly believe 课 题 Module 8 Time off 课时 we’re in the city centre. 课型 New 1. 学习并掌握下列词汇: hardly、sights、waste、thirsty、take up、 point out、 at the top of. . . 知识目2. 掌握以下句型: 标 ①It’s so quiet here that I can even hear the birds singing! ②I can hardly believe we’re in the city centre. 教学目标 ③I don’t think they allow people to swim in the lake. 能力目能够听懂关于介绍去北海公园旅行的内容, 并能通过相关标 情感目爱, 陶冶情操, 激发建设祖国的热情, 培养学生们的环境标 保护意识。 教学重点 The object clauses 1. The object clauses 教学难点 2. hard和hardly的区别 - 1 -

词汇与图片描述自己和他人对去北海公园旅行的观点。 学会倾听他人的旅行经历和观点, 激发大家对大自然的热圆学子梦想 铸金字品牌

课前预习 Preview the new words Situational approach; Listening and speaking approach; 教学方法 Communicative approach 教学过程 教学环节 教师活动 Have the students see some pictures questions. questions. Step 1 Warm up ①Do you know where it is? ②Have you ever been to these places? ③What can you do in it? Then introduce the title. 1. Show some pictures to the Ss and let them describe the 1. Look at the 检查学生对词汇pictures of Beihai Park. Step 2 2. Get the students to say out the new words. Pre-task the new words. 2. Read the new 力, 通过图片、句子学单词。 3. Let Ss read the new words. words together. 4. Check the new words. Step 3 1. First let Ss listen the 1. Listen to the 通过听第二遍对话, 让学生选择

学生活动 备课札记 and answer Ss answer these 学生进行自由对话, 训练了学生大胆说英语的习惯, 活跃了课堂气氛。 pictures to say out 的掌握程度, 训练学生的表达能Listening conversation and tell them conversation. - 2 -

圆学子梦想 铸金字品牌

(Act. 1 and that is the conversation about 2. Listen again and 正确答案, 让学Act. 2) in Activity 1. work in pairs and 生深化对对话的choose the correct 理解。 2. Guide the students to answer. listen again and choose the correct answer.


教学环节 教师活动 1. Please listen to the 1. Listen to the tape tape and answer the and answer the questions. questions. ①Who is introducing Keys: Beihai Park? ①Lingling Step 4 Listening (Act. 3) ②Why are they there? ②Because they 2. Listen again and tell want to see the true or false. sights of Beijing. ①Beihai Park is in the 2. Listen again and city centre. ( ) tell true or false. ②The ancient Keys: buildings take up over ①T ②F ③T half of the park area. - 3 -

学生活动 备课札记 带着问题听课文, 可以让学生有目的地听录音, 并学会综合所获的信息作答。 圆学子梦想 铸金字品牌

( ) ③They don’t allow people to swim in the lake because it’s dangerous. ( ) 1. Let Ss read the Read the dialogues in Act. 3 in conversation and pairs and complete the Step 5 sentences about Beihai Reading Park. (Activity 3) Beihai Park. 2. Call back the (Activity 3) answers. 1. Organize the students to read the conversation with the video. Step 6 Practice 2. Ask the Ss to read the conversation in groups. 3. Let several pairs of students role play the conversation in front of - 4 -

合作学习, 让学生充分地实践运用语言, 并培养团结合作精神。 complete the sentences about 1. Read the 在听力练习和小conversation with 对话口语练习的the video. 基础上, 进行角2. Practice reading 色对话表演, 培in groups. 养团结合作精神。 3. Role play it.