优+密卷 六年级下 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章优+密卷 六年级下更新完毕开始阅读

( )1. Jim helped his friends with their English on Monday and Tuesday. ( )2. Jim made toy planes on Tuesday and Thursday. ( )3. He went to the zoo with his parents. ( )4. Jim did his homework on Sunday. ( ) 5. He played basketball on Friday afternoon.

十. 妙笔生花。


Module 8 达标检测卷 笔试部分

五.找出不同类的一项并将其序号写在题前括号中。 ( )1.A.where B.what C.she ( )2.A.Confucius B.pilot C.Helen ( )3.A.American B.France C.China ( )4.A.blind B.deaf C.write ( )5.A.she B.herself C.they 六.英汉词组互译。

1、学着说话___________________ 2.整个世界____________________

3.be born in_____________________ 4.become blind__________________ 5.write a book___________________


1.The man is____________.He can’t see. 盲人

2.Helen Keller is___________(著名的)all over the world. 有名的

3.Ultraman zoffy(佐非奥特曼)is _____________(模范榜样)for some children.

4.Helen Keller was___________(出生) in America in 1880. 5.Yang Hongying wrote some books_________(关于)Ma Xiaotiao. 八.将正确答案的序号填入题前序号中。 ( )1.I___________in Guangzhou.I’m 12 now.

A.born B.borned C.am born D.was born ( ) 2.He’s a model__________all the children. A.for B.to C.in D.at ( )3.—________was Helen Keller born? —She was born in 1880.

A.Where B.When C.What D.Why ( )4.What happened________the girl?

A.in B.of C.to D.for ( )5.The old man lived ________99.

A.to B.to for C.to be D.for 九,按要求做题。

1. He moved to London in 2000(对划线部分提问) ________ _________he moved to London. 2. She learned to read and write.(对划线部分提问) _________did she learn to do?

3. Sally could read and write.(改为否定句) Sally__________read_________write.

4. I played basketball yesterday.(对划线部分提问) _________did_________ _________yesterday?

5. We stayed at home because it rained.(对划线部分提问) _______ __________you stay at home? 十.连词成句。

1.became,as,she,small,a,blind,child,and,deaf. 2.he,where,born,was? 3.all,went,she,world,over,the.

4.letters,hand,the,in,teacher,Helen’s,drew. 5.blind,is,model,she,for,people,a. 十一阅读游乐场。

Good morning, I’m Eric. I’m a boy. I’m twelve. I’m from England. I’ve lived in China for about four years. I love China and I love Chinese food. I also love football.I usually play football on


( )1.Eric is an_________boy.

A.English B.America C.Japan ( )2.He has lived in China for about________years. A.two B.three C.four ( )3.He loves____________.

A.football. B.basketball C.baseball ( )4.He usually plays footall___________.

A.on Mondays B.on Tuesdays C.on Sundays ( )5.Eric loves China and__________.

A.basketball B.Chinese food C.America food