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发布时间 : 星期二 文章优+密卷 六年级下更新完毕开始阅读

Module 1 达标检测卷



1. cold(反义词) ___ 2. know (同音词)_____ 3. you(宾格) ____ 4. dollar(复数)_____ 5. many (比较级)_____ 6. for(同音词) ____ 7. vegetable (复数)___ 8. it(复数) ___ 9. cola(复数) __ 10. real (副词)___ 六、我来分分类 (单词归类,将序号填入相应的圆圈内) A. hamburger B. noodles C. apples D. juice E. banana F. milk G. bread H. coffee I. rice 主食类 饮料类 水果类

七. 词汇考察

(一)小小翻译家 (英汉词组互译) 1. 一个热狗___ 2. how much__ 3. 看上去很好__ 4. enjoy the meal __ 5. 给你___ 6. some chicken and rice __ 7. 三杯可乐__ 8. thirteen dollars __

(二)根据图片或汉语提示,写出下列句子中所缺的单词 1、I want a ___ (汉堡包) ,please.

2. It’s thirteen __(美元) and twenty-five ___ (美分) 3. What do you __ (想要)to eat? 4. I want some __ (鸡肉) and rice, please. 5.Three colas, __(请) 八.千挑万选 (单项选择) 1、— ___ much is the skirt? — Sixty dollars.

A. How many B. How much C. How old 2. This new coat is fifty __ and twenty cents. A. dollar B. yuan C. dollars 3. The hot dog __ good.

A. look B. are C. looks 4. Amy wants __ a hamburger.

A. to B. to eat C. eating 5. A hamburger ___ me, please.

A. to B. for C. in 6. — What do you want to drink, tea or coffee?

A. Yes, I do. B. No, I don’t . C. Tea, please. 九. 图文并茂 (看图完成对话,每空一词) 1. — What does Ben want to eat?

— He __ a ___. (汉堡) 2. — ___ ____ are the oranges? — Two dollars.

3.— I want a __ , please.(果汁) How much is it? — It’s ___ yuan. (¥5) 4. — What do you want ___ ____? — A cup of coffee, please.

5. — ____ ____ bananas do you want? — I want two kilos of bananas. 十、 阅读理解

根据表格内容,判断句子对错并圈出正确答案,True 表示正确, False 表示错误。 Food Drink Daming 汉堡 可乐 Lingling 面条 汤 Sam 鸡肉 可乐 Amy 饼干 牛奶 1. Daming wants a hamburger and a cola. True False 2. Lingling wants noodles and milk. True() False() 3. Sam wants a hamburger and a cola. True () False() 4. Amy wants a biscuits and milk. True () False() 5. Both Daming and Sam like colas. True () False() 十一、作文芳草地

请以“Healthy Food and Drinks”为题,谈谈你对健康饮食的看法吧!

Module 2 达标检测卷 笔试部分

四.根据提示写出单词。(写出下列各种表示天气的单词) 例,多云 _cloudy__

1. 晴朗的____ 2. 下雨的_____ 3. 下雪的_____ 4. 有风的_____ 5. 热的 ____ 五、我是小翻译。(英汉词组互译)

1、go under the tree ________ 2. play chess______

3. walk around the lake ___________ 4. at half past twelve _____ 5. 在公园里举行野餐______ 6. 去公园________ 7. 与我的朋友一起踢足球 _________

六.小士兵,听命令。(用所给单词的适当形式填空) 1. But it’s __ (go) to rain soon.

2. These ___ (duck) are very noisy. 3. I’m going to___ (play) chess. 4. It’s going to __ (snow) in Weifang. 5.____ (go) to bed and say goodnight. 6. They are __ (swim) in the water.

七.百里挑一。(将正确答案的序号填入题前括号中) ( )1. — _____ are going to go there?

— At nine.

A. What B. When C. Where