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Lesson 4

Teaching aims

把所学内容融合到课文中去,让学生熟练运用对话,在练习中增强学生口语表达能力,培养学生语感。 Teaching emphasis Read the text Teaching difficulty Read listen and repeat Teaching process Step 1 Review

Whose (ruler ) is this ? It’s (David’s) Whose (pens) are these? They are (David’s) Is this David’s (bag) Yes, it’s

No, itn’t. It’s (Ann’s) Step 2 Set the scene

Take out the card and ask them “what their families do in each room”?

Mode each word and repeat Step 3

Model the dialog

29 Point to the room, say “This is living room” Is this the living room Yes ,it’s the living room, Step 4

Talk about the story What are Ken and Ann doing ? What do you think Bobby is saying ? What room do you think are they in ? What is bobby’s sister doing? What is Bobby’s uncle doing ? What are they look at ? What are they doing now ? Step 5 Story

Look listen and repeat Read by yourself Step 6

Introduce the “ the living room” Do some exercise Homework 教学流程图




Lesson 5

Teaching aims

复习句型What are you doing ,what is

Read the question aloud ,pointing to each word as you do so Read after the teacher

Repeat the procedure used to model the other structures Step 3

Uncle Booky’s blackboard Student book page 45

31 Do some exercise Read it by yourself Do it in pairs Step 4

Touch ask and answer Look at the book

Ask the question “what is pairs 教学反思


Lesson 6

Teaching aims

1 can use the sentence ask and answer 2 can draw the words Teaching important

can use the sentence ask and answer Course

1 sing an English song

2 draw some picture on the blackboard and guess 3 read and act

4 act and answer the question: what are you doing? 5 read and draw Writing blackboard What are you doing? I am??