(完整)新版人教版八年级下册英语各单元单词及重点短语句型 联系客服

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Unit 7 What’s the highest mountain in the world ?

1.平方;正方形 n________ 2.米;公尺 n________ 3.深的;纵深的 adj________ 4.沙漠 n_______

5.人口;人口数量n_______ 6.亚洲 n_________ 7.随便做某事_______ 8.旅行;旅游 n v______ 9.旅行者;观光者 n________ 10.墙 n_________

11.令人大为惊奇的;令人惊喜的adj 12.古代的;古老的adj______ 13.保护;防护 v_______ 14.宽的;宽阔的 adj_______ 15.就我所知______ 16.成就;成绩 n_________ 17.西南的;西南方向的adj_____ 18.厚的;浓的 adj_______ 19.包括;包含 v________ 20.极冷的;冰冻的adj_______ 21.条件;状况 n________ 22.吸入;呑入体内 ________ 23.实现目标;成功 v________ 24.挑战;考验 v n_______ 25.面对(问题、困难等)______ 26.达到;完成;成功 v____ 27.力;力量 n_______ 28.自然界;大自然 n________

重点短语 1. as big as 2. one of the oldest countries 3. feel free to do sth. 29.即使;虽然_______ 30.大海;海洋 n_______ 31.太平洋________ 32.厘米________

33.重量是;称..的重量 v______ 34.出生;诞生;n________ 35.出生时________

36.到达(某数量、程度)至多有不少于 37.成年的;成人的 adj 成人;成年动物n_______ 38.竹子 n__________ 39.濒危的adj_________ 40.研究;调查 n v 41.饲养员;保管人 n 42.醒着 adj 43.激动;兴奋n 44.走路时撞着 45.绊倒 46.疾病;病 n 47.遗留的;剩余的 adj 48.大约 49.图片;插图 n 50.野生的adj 51.政府;内阁 n 52.鲸 n

53.油;食用油;石油 n 54.保护;保卫 n 55.巨大的;极多的adj

4. as far as I know 5. man-made objects 6. part of... ......

7. the highest mountain 8. in the world 9. any other mountain 10. of all the salt lakes 11. run along 12. freezing weather 13. take in air

21. at birth 22. be awake

23. run over with excitement 24. walk into sb. 25. fall over 26. take care of 27. every two years 14. the first people to do sth. 28. cut down the forests 15. in the face of difficulties 29. endangered animals 16. give up doing sth.

30. fewer and fewer pandas

17. achieve one’ s dream 31. be in danger 18. the forces of nature 19. reach the top 20. even though 32. the importance of saving these animals

二、重点句型 1. It is -\\~adj. + (fo r sb. ) to do sth.

It is also very hard to take in a ir as you get near the top. 2. . . . is because...

One of the main reasons is because people want to challenge themselves in the face of difficulties. 3. . . . show(s) that...

The spirit of these climbers shows us that we should never give up tryin g to achieve our dreams.

4. How high/ deep/. . . is ... ? How high is Qomolangma? 5. Although. “ ,…

Although Japan is older than Canada,it is much smaller. 6. sb. spend tim e/money doing sth.

Adult pandas spend more than 12 hours a day eating about 10 kilos of bamboo.

Unit8 Have you read Treasure Island yet ?

1.珠宝;财富 n_________ 2.岛 n_________

3.满是。。的;大量的;丰富的_____ 4.经典作品;名著n______ 5.页;面,张 n______ 6.匆忙;赶快 v_________ 7.赶快;急忙做某事_____ 8.预期;预定 adj_________ 9.船 n_______ 10.工具 n______ 11.枪;炮 n________ 12.迹象;记号;分数n 做记号;打分v_________ 13.沙滩;沙 n________ 14.食人肉者 n________ 15.朝;向;对着 prep_____ 16.陆地;大地 n________ 17.小说 n__________ 18.科幻小说或影片等________ 19.科技;工艺 n______ 20.法语 n______


1. on page 25 ____________ 2. 2. the back of the book ____________

3. hurry up ____________ 4. in two weeks ____________ 5. go out to sea ____________ 6. an island full of treasures ____________

7. write about ____________

21.流行音乐;流行乐曲 n_____ 22.摇滚乐n____ 23.乐队n________ 24.乡村音乐 _____ 25.永远 adv_______

26.在国外;到国外adv_______ 27.真实地;事实上 adv______ 28.自从________

29.迷;狂热爱好者n_________ 30.南方的adj______

31.现代的;当代的 adj________ 32.成功 n______ 33.属于;归属 v______ 34.互相 ______ 35.笑;笑声 n______ 36.美;美丽 n______ 37.一百万 num ______ 38.唱片;记录 n 录制;录音v_________ 39.介绍;引见 v______ 40.行;排 n______

8. finish doing sth. ____________ 9. wait for another ship ____________ 10. learn to do sth. ____________ 11. grow fruits and vegetables ____________________

12. a few weeks ago ____________ 13. the marks of another man’ s feet _____________________

14. not long after that ____________

15. run towards sp. ____________ 16. use... to do sth. ____________ 17. signs left behind by someone ____________________

18. read the newspaper ____________ 19. science fiction ____________ 20. can’ t wait to do sth. ____________ 21. a good way to wake up ____________

22. number of people ____________ 23. used to do sth. ____________ 24. study abroad ____________ 25. make sb. do sth. ____________ 26. come to realize ____________ 27. ever since then ____________

二、重点句型 1. Have you….. yet?

— Have you read Little Women yet? — Yes,I have. /N o , I haven’ t. 2. Has... yet?

— Has T in a read Treasure Island yet?

28. the southern states of America ____________

29. belong to ____________

30. be kind to each other____________ 31. trust one another____________ 32. the beauty of nature ____________ 33. have been to sp.____________ 34.






___________________ 35. hope to do sth.____________ 36. see sb. do sth.____________ 37. the first line in the song____________

38. enjoy success in____________ 39. at the end of the day____________

— Yes, she has. She thinks i t ’ s fantastic. 3. Would you like ... ?

Would you like something to drink? 4. I heard...

I heard you lost your key. 5. . . . came to realize how much...

She came to realize how much she actually missed all of them.