2009学年第一学期徐汇区高三英语学习能力诊断卷(附答案) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章2009学年第一学期徐汇区高三英语学习能力诊断卷(附答案)更新完毕开始阅读

学而思教育·学习改变命运 思考成就未来! 高考网www.gaokao.com

Families are, especially for children, the most important source of emotional

support. During the middle years, children find it hard to obtain this emotional support outside the family. Children do not perform or develop well without this support.

Families function best when the individuality of each family member is

acknowledged and appreciated. At the least, even if someone else's personal traits or characteristics are not highly valued, each family member needs to tolerate these traits and respect that individual. Otherwise children are likely to have a difficult time developing a healthy self-image, and they will have low self-esteem and poor social skills.

79. 78. Children need to succeed in order to feel capable of successfully managing life's stresses and challenges. If they are taught or encouraged to rely on others (within the family or outside it) to solve their problems, they will have low self-esteem and limited initiative and will have trouble succeeding in the world.

Section D

Directions: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.

Say goodbye to the greetings of the past, from the hands-off \high-five. For young people across the United States, hugging(拥抱) is the new \hugging girls. Boys are hugging boys. Girls and boys are hugging each other. And, like every major trend, there are lots of variations on the form. There's the classic, full-body, arms-around-the-person bear hug, the casual one-armed side hug, the group hug and the hug from behind.

As trends go, this one seems pretty innocent. But some parents, teachers and school administrators are worried nonetheless. In response to some of these concerns, some schools have set up new rules to limit or eliminate hugging. One school head has created a three-second limitation for hugs at her school. Another school has taken even more drastic measures, placing a ban on all forms of touching between students. A few important points are being left out of the discussion. While the US has traditionally been reserved about touching – saving hugs and kisses for relatives, romantic partners and very close friends – people in many other parts of the world have been greeting each other this way for ages. In Latin America or Western Europe, in countries like Spain, France, and Italy, a kiss on the cheek is common among women, as well as among women and men who are not romantically involved. Latin American men are more likely to shake hands when greeting other men, but in some countries like Turkey, it's not unusual for men who know each other well to exchange kisses on the cheek. Meanwhile, for the Maori people of New Zealand, a traditional greeting called the \and Americans are just now joining in.

There's yet another point to consider: For as long as there have been kids and parents, kids have embraced new trends and lifestyles that have shocked or confused their parents. Parents and teachers who are now trying to struggle with the \were kids, they too found new ways of relating to each other that concerned or confused their parents. Every generation represents a step away from the previous one. This generation's teens are hugging. Who knows what the next generation will do?

学而思教育·学习改变命运 思考成就未来! 高考网www.gaokao.com

80. 学而思教育·学习改变命运 思考成就未来! 高考网www.gaokao.com

(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)

81. What is the new trend among teens in the United States?

82. Some schools are worried about this new trend, so they _________.

83. Why does the author mention the ways of greetings in Latin America and Western Europe? 84. From the last paragraph we know that it is natural for different generations to _________.

第二卷 (45分)

I. Translation

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1. 他写那篇文章花了三个星期。(take) 2. 同学们用卖废纸挣来的钱装饰教室。(with)

3. 不管碰到什么样的困难,我们都不要放弃自己的梦想。(Whatever) 4. 与会代表各抒己见,就环保问题展开了热烈的讨论。(express)

5. 如果上海继续以目前这样快的速度发展下去,很难想像再过十年她将是什么模样。(If)

Ⅱ. Guided Writing

Directions: Write an English composition in 120 - 150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese. 下图反映的是某高中2007年与2009年学生健康状况调查数据。请简要介绍一下学生健康的变化情况,分析其原因并提出相应的改进措施。 NearsightedOverweightLack of sleepMentally unhealthy020263678.287.552.480.590.12007200941.5406080100The number of students(%)

学而思教育·学习改变命运 思考成就未来! 高考网www.gaokao.com

学而思教育·学习改变命运 思考成就未来! 高考网www.gaokao.com



第一卷 2010.1 I. Listening Comprehension 1-5 CDBAB 6-10 CABDA 11-13 CDB 14-16 DBB 17. Thursday 18. 11:15 19. opposite 20. train 21. tuition and housing 22. Her /The academic advisor 23. wildlife science 24. working with nature

II. Grammar and Vocabulary

Section A 25-29 BACCC 30-34 BDDCB 35-40 DACAA D Section B 41-49 B J F G D H E A C

III. Reading Comprehension

Section A 50-54 CBADA 55-59 DBCAB 60-64 BDACB Section B 65-68 DBDC 69-71 BCC 72-75 ACCB Section C 76-80 DBFAC Section D

81. They are hugging each other/ everyone they see (for greetings). 82. (have) set up new rules to limit or eliminate hugging. 83. To prove/show/indicate that this hugging trend is not new. 84. have different trends and lifestyles. 第二卷

I. Translation

1. It took him 3 weeks to write this/the article. (3分) Writing the /this article took him 3 weeks. 2. The students decorated their classroom with the money they earned/got/made by selling waste paper. (4分)

The students decorate their classroom with the money they earn/get/make by selling waste paper. 3. Whatever difficulty we (may) encounter/ meet with, we should not/never give up our dreams. (4分)

4. The delegates (present) at the conference (all) expressed their opinions (freely) and had a heated discussion on environmental protection. (4分)

5. If Shanghai keeps developing/continues to develop at her present fast pace, it is hard to imagine what she will be/look like ten years from now/ in ten years. (5分)

学而思教育·学习改变命运 思考成就未来! 高考网www.gaokao.com

学而思教育·学习改变命运 思考成就未来! 高考网www.gaokao.com


一、翻译 (共20分)

翻译第1题3分,每2-4题每题4分, 第5题5分。 单词拼写、标点符号、大小写错误累计每两处扣一分; 语法错误每处扣一分。 每句同类错误不重复扣分。 译文没有用所给单词扣一分。

二、作文 (共25分)


2.评分时应注意内容要点,应用词汇和语法结构的数量和准确性及上下文的连贯性。 3.评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定所属档次,然后对照相应的组织结构档次给予加分。其中,内容和语言两部分相加,得15分以上者,组织结构部分可考虑加4~5分,15分以下者只能考虑加0,1,2,3分。(具体见下表) 4.各档次给分要求: 档次 内容 语言 组织结构 A 9~10 9~10 4~5 B 7~8 7~8 3~4 C 5~6 5~6 2 D 3~4 3~4 1 E 0~2 0~2 0 5.词数明显不够,总分最多不超过10分。 6.文章只有一到两句,总分不得超过2分。 7.文章如果没有包括要求的三项内容(表格内容介绍,原因分析和改进措施),内容得分不得超过5分,总分不得超过12分。 8.均分控制在13-14分。 学而思教育·学习改变命运 思考成就未来! 高考网www.gaokao.com