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about to go off this will result in one type of fault. If the PLC passes the sanity check it will then scan (read) all the inputs. After the inputs values are stored in memory the ladder logic will be scanned (solved) using the stored values not the current values. This is done to prevent logic problems when inputs change during the ladder logic scan. When the ladder logic scan is complete the outputs will be scanned (the output values will be changed). After this the system goes back to do a sanity check, and the loop continues indefinitely. Unlike normal computers, the entire program will be run every scan. Typical times for each of the stages is in the order of milliseconds.

Figure 2.10 The Scan Cycle of a PLC

2.1.4 Ladder Logic Inputs

PLC inputs are easily represented in ladder logic. In Figure 2.11 there are three types of inputs shown. The first two are normally open and normally closed inputs, discussed previously. The IIT (Immediate InpuT) function allows inputs to be read after the input scan, while the ladder logic is being scanned. This allows ladder logic to examine input values more often than once every cycle.


Figure 2.11 Ladder Logic Inputs

2.1.5 Ladder Logic Outputs

In ladder logic there are multiple types of outputs, but these are not consistently available on all PLCs. Some of the outputs will be externally connected to devices outside the PLC, but it is also possible to use internal memory locations in the PLC. Six types of outputs are shown in Figure 2.12. The first is a normal output, when energized the output will turn on, and energize an output. The circle with a diagonal line through is a normally on output. When energized the output will turn off. This type of output is not available on all PLC types. When initially energized the OSR (One Shot Relay) instruction will turn on for one scan, but then be off for all scans after, until it is turned off. The L (latch) and U (unlatch) instructions can be used to lock outputs on. When an L output is energized the output will turn on indefinitely, even when the output coil is deenergized. The output can only be turned off using a U output. The last instruction is the IOT (Immediate OutpuT) The last instruction is the IOT (Immediate OutpuT)that will allow outputs to be updated without having to wait for the ladder logic scan to be completed.


Inputs to, and outputs from, a PLC are necessary to monitor and control a process. Both inputs and outputs can be categorized into two basic types: logical or continuous. Consider


the example of a light bulb. If it can only be turned on or off, it is logical control. If the light can be dimmed to different levels, it is continuous. Continuous values seem more intuitive, but logical values are preferred because they allow more certainty, and simplify control. As a result most controls applications (and PLCs) use logical inputs and outputs for most applications. Hence, we will discuss logical I/O and leave continuous I/O for later.

Outputs to actuators allow a PLC to cause something to happen in a process. A short list of popular actuators is given below in order of relative popularity.

Solenoid Valves - logical outputs that can switch a hydraulic or pneumatic flow. Lights - logical outputs that can often be powered directly from PLC output boards.

Motor Starters - motors often draw a large amount of current when started, so they require motor starters, which are basically large relays.

Servo Motors - a continuous output from the PLC can command a variable speed or position.

Outputs from PLCs are often relays, but they can also be solid state electronics such as transistors for DC outputs or Triacs for AC outputs. Continuous outputs require special output cards with digital to analog converters.

Inputs come from sensors that translate physical phenomena into electrical signals. Typical examples of sensors are listed below in relative order of popularity.

Proximity Switches - use inductance, capacitance or light to detect an object logically. Switches - mechanical mechanisms will open or close electrical contacts for a logical signal. Potentiometer - measures angular positions continuously, using resistance.

LVDT (linear variable differential transformer) - measures linear displacement continuously using magnetic coupling.

Inputs for a PLC come in a few basic varieties, the simplest are AC and DC inputs. Sourcing and sinking inputs are also popular. This output method dictates that a device does not supply any power. Instead, the device only switches current on or off, like a simple switch. Sinking - When active the output allows current to flow to a common ground. This is best selected when different voltages are supplied. Sourcing - When active, current flows from a


supply, through the output device and to ground. This method is best used when all devices use a single supply voltage. This is also referred to as NPN (sinking) and PNP (sourcing). PNP is more popular. This will be covered in detail in the chapter on sensors.

3.1.1 Inputs

In smaller PLCs the inputs are normally built in and are specified when purchasing the PLC. For larger PLCs the inputs are purchased as modules, or cards, with 8 or 16 inputs of the same type on each card. For discussion purposes we will discuss all inputs as if they have been purchased as cards. The list below shows typical ranges for input voltages, and is roughly in order of popularity. PLC input cards rarely supply power, this means that an external power supply is needed to supply power for the inputs and sensors. The example in Figure 3.1 shows how to connect an AC input card.

Figure 3.1 An AC Input Card and Ladder Logic

In the example there are two inputs, one is a normally open push button, and the second is a temperature switch, or thermal relay. (NOTE: These symbols are standard and will be discussed later in this chapter.) Both of the switches are powered by the positive/ hot output of