冠词的使用及其在高考单选题中的考查 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章冠词的使用及其在高考单选题中的考查更新完毕开始阅读


安徽省五河第一中学 刘杰

冠词the和a, an 是最重要也是最复杂的一种形容词。 以man 这个词为例,就要下面几种选择:man, a man , men , the men 和the man, 从中很显然这其中涉及到是否用冠词和该用何种冠词的问题。本文就对于冠词的用法作一简要的阐述。

一. 冠词的位置。

冠词总是放在所修饰的名词之前,若这个名词还有其他形容词修饰,冠词通常放在形容词之前,若形容词前还有副词,冠词也需放在副词前面。如: This is a car----- a good car ----a very good car.

He can answer the question --- the difficult question--- the most difficult question. 但若形容词为such,many或what, 冠词a 应放在它后面,如: I never met such a man.

He has lived here many a year. What a beautiful park it is !

如果形容词为all, both, half ,double 或twice, 冠词the 必须放在它后面: All the guests have come.

Both the brothers study Spanish.

I bought it at half the price ( double the price). ( 但是:He has waited half an hour or a half hour).

如果所有副词为so, how , as , too, quite , rather,或no less, 冠词a 就放在副词所修饰的形容词后面及被修饰的名词的前面: It is so ( or too ) big a dog. How big a dog it is!

It is as big a dog as yours.

It is no less big a dog than yours. ( It is as big a dog as yours.) It is quite ( or rather) big a dog ( or a quite big or a rather big dog).

二. 不定冠词a/ an 的选用及其读音。

1.不定冠词a 用于辅音音素(不是辅音字母)起首的词前,读作/?/; 如: a girl a red apple a university a European city a humble man a one-act play a useful tool

an 用于元音音素(指音,不是只元音字母)词的前面,读作/ ?n/;

如: an hour an island an urgent appeal (一个紧急的呼吁) an honest man an eyewitness

这里值得一提的是定冠词the通常读作/e?/; 在元音前读/ ei/,特别强调时或单念时读/ ei:/ 如: Who is the / ei/author of the/e?/ book? He was the / ei:/greast poet of the/ ei/ age.

三. 冠词的意义。

1. 冠词a/an 有泛指作用,可和单数可数名词连用,(不可以放在不可数名词之

前,如可以说have fun,但不可以说have a fun)表示: A.“任何一个( 随便哪一个)”,: A dog is intelligent. I like a child.

A big family is hard to support. B.. ”一个”或”某个”的意思

A dog is coming. I have to maintain a family. He is a teacher. We call him a fool. C. 某类人或物(可用在表语,同位语等时) She is a Canadian (dancer)

Is this a planer(刨床) or a lathe(车床)?

The book was written by Dr. Cooper, a geneticist. We knew Moses as an authority on Wagner.

D. 某类人或物(可作主语,表示整个这类人或东西) A child needs love. An owl can see in the dark. An upright man should be honest and fair.

注意在C, D两种用法中,译成汉语时,常不带“一”字。

E. 在一日三餐的名词前通常不加冠词,但当与形容词连用时,则 需要加不定冠词。

I am having lunch. I have a good lunch.

F.某些不可数的抽象名词前用a/an表示某种具体的情况或概念。 a great pleasure a balanced diet

2. 定冠词the 可与单数可数名词连用,也可以和用复数可数名词和不可数名词


A. “一类” 东西或真个民族,阶级,一家人等. The dog is clever. I play the piano.

Tomatoes are good for the liver.

The Chinese people are brave and industrious. The Dutch are very skillful engineers.

B. the也可以用在不可数名词前起限定意义,表达“这”或“那”的意义。 I offered him the tea which I made.

He has obtained the experience of an expert. The bread has been eaten up.

Please pass me the salt.(对比Please pass me salt.)

C. the 还有特指的作用,可用在单数可数名词前,表示“这个或那个”,这时所指的是那个人或东西是很清楚的:

I bought a house yesterday afternoon. The house is across the river.(指新买的房子)

I want to see the boss.(你知道the boss指谁) What is the price of this pencil?

Open the window, please.(当然指说话者所在的这个房间的窗户) The government does not allow gambling. The enemy was defeated.

D. the有时也可和复数可数名词连用,表示“那些”之意,这时所指的人或东西也是很清楚的 :

I bought several houses yesterday. The house are across the river.

I met some nive people at the party. It seems I had seen the gentlemen somewhere. Open the windows,please. Where are the children?

E. 值得一提的是“普通名词+ of +专有名词”这类词组均需要加the: the Cape of Good Hope the house of Representatives the ministry of Foreign Affairs the city of New York

F. the还可和某些形容词连用,表示一类人或某种品质: He never envied the rich their luxurious pleasures. In a week or two I’ll be among the unemployed. These seats are for the disabled.

I wan weak, afraid to venture the unknown.

Their aim was to discover the good,the beautiful and the true. G. 另外还可和一些表示世上独一无二的东西的名词一道用。 Do you know how big the universe is? The sun lights and warms the earth. The moon had risen.

The Milky Way is a bright band of stars.

四. 作表语的单数可数名词前用与不用冠词的区别。


He was principle of our college. He was a principle of our college.

(2) 在半系动词后面turn作表语的单数名词不可加不定冠词( become 之后则必须有不定冠词);但若其前有形容词有形容词作修饰语,则必须有不定冠词。 He used to be a teacher till he turned writer.

(比较:He used to be a teacher till he became a teacher.) He tuened a good fellow.

(3)当作表语的单数可数名词指具体的人或物时,须用不定冠词;或把 enough,more than , less than,fully,thoroughly等副词或副词短语放在作表语的名词前面或后面,表示某种程度,使该名词抽象化,带有形容词的特征时,其前不用冠词。

She is a mother of three. 比较:She is more mother than wife.

He is a good friend of mine. 比较:He is friend enough to help me very often. He is such a good artist that we all love him. 比较:He is artist enough to appreciate these pictures.

(4) 表明作表语的名词所指对象受人尊敬或为大家知晓时,可不用冠词;或强调

“几个中的一个”时,该用不定冠词。 He was nephew of the king.

Who is he? He is a nephew of the king.

(5) 表示人名的名词作表语时,其前通常不用冠词,若其后有限制性修饰语,表

示借喻时,其前则要加定冠词或不定冠词。 He is Tom. She is mary.

Lu Xun was the Gorky(高尔基)of China. He is a Newton of today.

(6) 在讲话或写文章,强调作表语的名词并将其提前时,其前不用冠词,否则须


The carrier was in high spirits ,good fellow he was. The carrier was in high spirits , he was a good fellow.

(7) 在through 引导的让步状语从句的表语是单数名词并倒置时,其前不能用冠词,否则要用冠词。

Young girl through she is, she knows a lot. Though she is a young girl, she knows a lot.

若由连词as, that引导的让步从句的表语是名词,该名词只能倒置,且不用冠词。

Child as he is , he speaks English well.

Teacher that John is ,he is not capable of teaching all sunjects.

五. 专有名词前冠词的用法。


Shakespeare , Queen Elizabeth, Little Tom

Paris, Los Angeles , Russia , East ,Africa July, Saturday, English , Easter 但有许多特殊情况:

(1) 在某些地理名词前要加定冠词:

the Yangtze River the Huston River the Pearl River the Red Sea the Pacific Ocean the Arctic

the Rocky Mountains, the West Indies (但: Mount Emei; Christmas Island) the English Channel the Twaiwan Straits 湖名前一般不加冠词,如:

Lake Baikai 贝加尔湖 Dongting Lake 洞庭湖 但个别名词前也有加the的,如: the Lake of Geneva ,the West Lake 另外有少数地名前通常加the:

the Netherlands ; the Balkans; the Middle West, the Sudan, the Yemen 复数专有地点名词前前都加the:

The Himalayas the Great lakes, the Rocky Mountains, the United Steates

(2) 有普通名词构成的专有名词有很多要加the:
