西华县2016-2017年七年级下学期英语期中试题(有答案) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章西华县2016-2017年七年级下学期英语期中试题(有答案)更新完毕开始阅读



第一节 1-5 CBABA

第二节 6-10 ACBAC 11-15BCBCA 第三节 16-20 CEBAD

二、单项选择.(每小题1分)21-25 CBBBC 26-30 DABDB 31-35 BBADB 三、完形填空.(每小题1分)36-40BDDAB 41-45 CABCC 四、阅读理解.(每小题2分)46-50 CDBCC 51-55 DACDA 56-60 ABCBC 61-65 ACDEB 五、词语运用.(每小题1分)

66.borrows 67.returns 68.also 69.around 70.Japanese 71.draws 72. pictures 73.sitting 74.writing 75.soon 六、补全对话.(每小题2分) 76.Sorry,I don’t know. 77.Is there a bank near here? 78.How far is it (from here)?

79.How can I get /go there?/Which bus can I take there? 80.Thanks a lot/Thanks/Thank you/Thank you very much 七、书面表达.(15分)


Liu Ming and Wang Jun both live in the same apartment building. They are both students. Their school is 10 kilometers away from their home, so they go to school or come back home by subway every day. At school, Liu Ming’s English is very good, but Wang Jun’s isn’t. So Liu Ming often helps Wang Jun with his English.They always help each other.They are good neighbors and friends.