西华县2016-2017年七年级下学期英语期中试题(有答案) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章西华县2016-2017年七年级下学期英语期中试题(有答案)更新完毕开始阅读

Mr.Smith lives in a village(村庄), but he works in a big city. He goes to work by train every morning and comes home in the same way.

This morning, when he is reading his newspaper (报纸) on the train, a man behind him says “hello” to him and begins to talk to him, “Your life is not interesting, is it? You take the same train every morning, and you always sit in the same seat and read the same newspaper.”“How do you know all that about me?”Mr.Smith says angrily(生气地).

“Because I always sit in the same seat behind you.”the man answers. 根据短文内容选择最佳答案。 ( )46. Mr.Smith works ____________.

A. in a town B.in a village C.in a city D.in the country ( )47. He comes back home from work _____.

A.by ship B.by bus C.on foot D.by train ( )48. When he is on the train, Mr.Smith often_____.

A.reads books B.reads newspaper C.talks to others D.listens to others ( )49. Mr.Smith _____.

A. likes the man very much B.likes reading books C.doesn’t like the man at all D. has much money

( )50. The man knows Mr.Smith because_____

A.he is Mr.Smith’s good friend. B.he work in the same factory.

C.he sits behind Mr.Smith on the same train every day. D.they live in the same village.


Many people like to travel by plane, but I don't. An airport is usually far from the city. You have to get there early and wait for hours for the plane to take off and it's often late. You can't open the windows. You can't choose the food. Planes are fast, but it still takes hours to get out of the airport and into the city. I like traveling by train I think trains are safe. Railway stations are usually in cities. When you are late for a train, you can catch another one. You can walk around in the train and open the windows.

You can see many interesting things on your way. I know it takes a little more time.

I also like cars. You can start your journey when you want to, and you don't need to get to a railway station or a bus stop. Also you can carry many things with you in a car. But sometimes there are too many cars on the roads.

( )51. Does everyone like to travel by plane?

A. Yes, we do. B. No, I don't know. C. Yes, he does. D. No, not everyone. ( )52. Where is an airport according to the passage? A. It's usually far from the city.

B. It's usually in a big city.

C. It's usually near the city. D. It's usually around the city. ( )53. Which of the following sentences is TRUE? A. You can choose food on the plane.

B. You can open the windows on the plane. C. You can open the windows on the train. D. Trains are not safe.

( )54. The writer likes traveling by plane, doesn’t he? A. Yes, it does. B. Yes, he does. A. get to a railway station C. carry many things For Rent A big apartment for a family of three people. $650 a month.Call Mr.Zhang. Tel:(010)8838-7166 Lost ID.card Name:Dick Number:232324198804 125510 Please call(010) 8433-9211 根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。 ( )56.Please call___to rent a three-bedroom apartment. . A.(010)8838-7166 B. 138-7682-5856 C.(010) 8433-9211 D.(010)6378-3021

C. No, it doesn't. D. No, he doesn't.

B. get up early

( )55. If you take a car, you don't need to __

D. take money Wanted Looking for a quiet single(单人的)room under $120 a month.Please call Harry at 138-7682-5856. Found A red bag with some books. Come to Room402 in the evening or call White at (010)6378-3021 C

( )57. You can rent your single room to__for $120 a month.

A. Dick. B. Harry C. White. D.Mr.Zhang. ( )58. If you find an ID card,you can call___at(010)8433-9211. A. White B. Harry C. Dick D.Mr.Zhang ( )59. If you can’t find your bag,you can___to get it back in the evening. . A. call(010) 8433-9211 B. go to Room402

C. call Harry D.look for a quiet single room

( )60. If you want to rent a big apartment for your family for three months,it will cost you _____. A. $90 B. $1,300 C.$1,950 D.$2,600 D

Mrs. White has a son. 61._______.The young man begins (开始)to work in a post office in a city this autumn. He asks his mother to visit the city. The old woman is happy and catches a train. 62. but she doesn’t know where the post office is. She begins to look for it, but she can’t find it. At a bus stop she asks an old man, “Excuse me, sir. How can I get to the post office?” 63.“______”says the o1d man. “Which one do you want?”

The old woman gives Sam’s letter to him and the old man says, “Walk along this street and take the fourth turning on the left. 64. .”

Mrs. White thanks the old man and soon finds her son. They’re very happy. A week later the woman goes to the zoo. 65. But after that she can’t find the way to the post office again. At the same bus stop she meets the same old man and she asks the same question again.

“Oh dear!” the old man calls out. “Are you still looking for your son?”





A. His name is Sam White. B. She sees all kinds of animals. C. Soon she gets to the city. D. We have about forty post offices in the city. E. His post office is just there.

案下面题号后的横线上。每空限填一个词,每词限用一次。方框中有两个是多余的。 Lisa is a

soon Japan sit also write return around borrow draw too picture dance student.

She loves reading. She (66) ______ a book from the school library every week. After reading it, she (67) ______ it to the library on time. Lisa (68) ______ likes running and she runs (69) ______ the playground every morning, so she is very healthy (健康的).

Lisa has a (70) ______ friend. He (71) ______ very well. He often sends (寄) some (72) ______ to Lisa. She is very happy. Look!Lisa is (73) ______ in the classroom and (74) ______ a letter to her friend. She will finish (完成) it (75) ______.

66.________ 67.________ 68.________ 69._______ 70.________ 71. 72. 73.________ 74._______ 75.________ 六.补全对话(5小题,每小题2分,共10分)

根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话意思连贯、完整。 A: Excuse me,where is the bank near here?

B: 76.______________________________.You may ask the policeman over here. (The man walks to the policeman.)

A: Excuse me,77. ___________________________________? C: Oh,there isn’t a bank near here,but there is one near Haidian Bridge. A: 78.___________________________________? C: It’s about 3 kilometers from here.

A: 79.___________________________________? C:You can take Bus No.333 there.

A: 80.__________________________________ . C: You’re welcome. 七、书面表达。(15分)






第一节 1-5 CBABA

第二节 6-10 ACBAC 11-15BCBCA 第三节 16-20 CEBAD

二、单项选择.(每小题1分)21-25 CBBBC 26-30 DABDB 31-35 BBADB 三、完形填空.(每小题1分)36-40BDDAB 41-45 CABCC 四、阅读理解.(每小题2分)46-50 CDBCC 51-55 DACDA 56-60 ABCBC 61-65 ACDEB 五、词语运用.(每小题1分)

66.borrows 67.returns 68.also 69.around 70.Japanese 71.draws 72. pictures 73.sitting 74.writing 75.soon 六、补全对话.(每小题2分) 76.Sorry,I don’t know. 77.Is there a bank near here? 78.How far is it (from here)?

79.How can I get /go there?/Which bus can I take there? 80.Thanks a lot/Thanks/Thank you/Thank you very much 七、书面表达.(15分)


Liu Ming and Wang Jun both live in the same apartment building. They are both students. Their school is 10 kilometers away from their home, so they go to school or come back home by subway every day. At school, Liu Ming’s English is very good, but Wang Jun’s isn’t. So Liu Ming often helps Wang Jun with his English.They always help each other.They are good neighbors and friends.