【精品】近两年(2018,2019)高考全国3卷英语试卷以及答案(word解析版) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章【精品】近两年(2018,2019)高考全国3卷英语试卷以及答案(word解析版)更新完毕开始阅读

(1)What did the researchers do to the monkeys before testing them? A. They fed them. B. They named them. C. They trained them. D. They measured them.

(2)How did the monkeys get their reward in the experiment? A. By drawing a circle. B. By touching a screen. C. By watching videos. D. By mixing two drinks.

(3)What did Livingstone's team find about the monkeys? A. They could perform basic addition. B. They could understand simple words. C. They could memorize numbers easily. D. They could hold their attention for long.

(4)In which section of a newspaper may this text appear? A. Entertainment. B. Health. C. Education. D. Science.


15.(10分)In an online class, developing healthy patterns of communication with professors is very important.(1) While I have only listed two of each, there are obviously many other situations that can arise. Students should be able to extend the logic(逻辑)of each to their particular circumstance. Do's

? (2) Questions about subject content are generally welcomed. Before asking questions about the course design, read the syllabus(教学大纲)and learning management system information to be sure the answer isn't hiding in plain sight.

? Participate in discussion forums(论坛), blogs and other open﹣ended forums for dialogue.(3)


Be sure to stay on topic and not offer irrelevant information. Make a point, and make it safe for others to do the same. Don'ts

? Don't share personal information or stories. Professors are not trained nurses, financial aid experts or your best friends. If you are in need of a deadline extension, simply explain the situation to the professor.(4)

? Don't openly express annoyance at a professor or class. (5) When a student attacks a professor on the social media, the language used actually says more about the student. If there is truly a concern about a professor's professionalism or ability, be sure to use online course evaluations to calmly offer your comments.

A. That's what they are for.

B. Turn to an online instructor for help.

C. If more information is needed, they will ask. D. Remember that online professors get a lot of emails. E. Below are some common do's and don'ts for online learners. F. Everyone has taken a not﹣so﹣great class at one time or another. G. Ask questions, but make sure they are good, thoughtful questions.

第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节)第一节 (每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

16.(30分)The small town of Rjukan in Norway is situated between several mountains and does not get direct sunlight from late September to mid﹣March﹣(1) six months out of the year.

\, we (2) it when the sun is shining,\, who works for the town's tourism office. \(3) , but down in the valley it's darker ﹣ it's like on a (4) day.\

But that(5) when a system of high﹣tech(6) was introduced to reflect sunlight from neighboring peaks(山峰)into the valley below. Wednesday, residents(居民)of Rjukan (7) their very first ray of winter sunshine: A row of reflective boards on a nearby mountainside were put to(8) . The mirrors are controlled by a computer that (9) them to turn along with the sun throughout the (10) and to close during windy weather. They reflect a concentrated beam(束)


of light onto the town's central(11) , creating an area of sunlight roughly 600 square meters. When the light (12) , Rjukan residents gathered together.

\(13) there and standing there and taking(14) of each other,\says. \(15) . I think almost all the people in the town were there. \3,500 residents cannot all (16) the sunshine at the same time. (17) , the new light feels like more than enough for the town's(18) residents.

\(19) ,\, \(20) .\

(1)A. only (2)A. fear (3)A. empty (4)A. cloudy (5)A. helped (6)A. computers (7)A. remembered (8)A. repair (9)A. forbids (10)A. day (11)A. library (12)A. appeared (13)A. driving (14)A. pictures (15)A. new (16)A. block (17)A. Instead

B. obviously B. believe B. blue B. normal B. changed B. telescopes B. forecasted B. risk B. directs B. night B. hall B. returned B. hiding B. notes B. full B. avoid B. However

C. nearly C. hear C. high C. different C. happened C. mirrors C. received C. rest C. predicts C. month C. square C. faded C. camping C. care C. flat C. enjoy C. Gradually

D. precisely D. notice D. wide D. warm D. mattered D. cameras D. imagined D. use D. follows D. year D. street D. stopped D. sitting D. hold D. silent D. store D. Similarly

(18)A. nature﹣loving B. energy﹣saving C. weather﹣beaten D. sun﹣starved (19)A. big

B. clear

C. cold

D. easy


(20)A. trying B. waiting C. watching D. sharing


17.(15分)On our way to the house,it was raining(1) hard that we couldn't help wondering how long it would take(2) (get)there. It was in the middle of Pearl City.

We were first greeted with the barking by a pack(3) dogs,seven to be exact. They were well trained by their masters(4) had great experience with caring for these animals. Our hosts shared many of their experiences and (5) (recommend)wonderful places to eat,shop,and visit. For breakfast,we were able to eat papaya(木瓜)and other fruits from their trees in the backyard.

When they were free from work,they invited us to local events and let us know of an interesting (6) (compete)to watch,together with the story behind it. They also shared with us many(7) (tradition)stories about Hawaii that were (8) (huge)popular with tourists. On the last day of our week﹣long stay,we (9) (invite)to attend a private concert on a beautiful farm on the North Shore under the stars,(10) (listen)to musicians and meeting interesting locals. 第四部分 写作(共两节)第一节 短文改错(满分10分)

18.(10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文.文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处.每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改. 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词. 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\\)划掉.

修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词. 注意:



I've had many dreams since I was a child. Now my dream is to opens a cafe. Though it may appear simple, it required a lot of ideas and efforts. What I want is not just an ordinarily cafe but a very special one. I want my cafe have a special theme such as like \. In the cafe, customers will enjoy yourselves in the historical environment what is created for them. If I succeed in manage one, I will open more. I wish to have a chain of cafes in many different city. Each of my cafes will have a different theme and an unique style. 第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
