2019届浙江省杭州市高三高考命题比赛英语试题含答案 (5) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章2019届浙江省杭州市高三高考命题比赛英语试题含答案 (5)更新完毕开始阅读

49. A. school B . hospital C. hell D. glory 50. A. walk by B . head for C. wander around D. look around 51. A. study B . research C. caring D. working 52. A. trunks B . roots C. fruit D. branches 53. A. Mostly B . Actually C. Really D. Lately 54. A. overcome B. defeat C. encounter D. fight 55. A. anywhere B. somewhere C. everywhere D. nowhere





阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 Hello Kitty, 56. _____ image already appears on pyjamas, pencil cases and the sides of buses, is to grace the big screen after the brand’s owner sighed the first film deal.

Over the last 45 years, the 57. _____ (mouth) cartoon cat has generated billions of dollars. The simple line-drawn image has appeared on merchandise 58. _____ (include) clothing, toys and stationery, targeted 59. _____ (most) at young children, but also more recently popular with some adults. Hello Kitty-branded products are sold in 130 countries worldwide, 60. ____ the range extending from wine to shoes. Hello Kitty is also licensed for 61. _____ (amuse) parks and cafes. 62. ______ the brand typifies the Japanese trend for “kawaii” or cuteness, the character itself 63. _____ (identify) as British. She also has a twin sister, Minny.

Sanrio said Hello Kitty’s popularity was down to the “heartfelt message of friendship” the brand offered its fans. “Hello Kitty and her friends have been part of 64. ___ shared culture for decades and we look forward to exploring 65.____ her newest adventure will take her,” it added. 第四部分写作(共两节,满分40分) 第一节应用文写作(满分15分) (原创)

假定你是李华,下个月你校将举办英语节活动(English Festival)。你们班准备编排一出英语话剧参加活动,你给对话剧表演非常有经验的外教Bruce写封信,希望他给予一些相关的建议和指导。



Dear Bruce,



Students who have used electronic cigarettes by the time they start ninth grade are more likely than others to start smoking traditional cigarettes and other tobacco products within the next year, according to a new study funded by the National Institutes of Health.

The study compared tobacco use among 222 students who had used e-cigarettes, but not combustible tobacco products, and 2,308 who had neither used e-cigarettes or combustible tobacco products at the start of ninth grade. During the first six months, 30.7 percent of those who had used e-cigarettes started using tobacco products, compared to only 8.1 percent of those who had never used e-cigarettes. Over the following six months, 25.2 percent of e-cigarette users had used tobacco products, compared to just 9.3 percent of nonusers.

“While teen tobacco use has fallen in recent years, this study confirms that we should continue to vigilantly watch teen smoking patterns,” said NIDA Director Nora D. Volkow, M.D. “Parents and teens should recognize that although e-cigarettes might not have the same effects of regular cigarettes on cancer, they do carry a risk of addiction.”

Data were collected as part of a longitudinal (纵向的)survey of substance use and mental health among high school students in Los Angeles. The study surveyed students from 10 public high schools. The analysis focused on 2,530 students who initially reported never using tobacco and underwent follow-up assessments after six and 12 months. Students were asked about lifetime and past six-month use of e-cigarettes, traditional cigarettes and other tobacco products .

“Recreational e-cigarette use is becoming increasingly popular among teens who have never smoked tobacco. Adolescents who enjoy the experience of inhaling nicotine via e-cigarettes could be more apt to experiment with other nicotine products, including smokeable tobacco,” said Adam M. Leventhal, Ph.D., the first author on the study. “While we cannot conclude that e-cigarette use directly leads to smoking, this research raises concerns that recent increases in youth e-cigarette use could be related to smoking-related illness.\



第一部分:(每小题1.5分,满分30分) 1-5 BCBBC6-10 AACAA 11-15 BCBAC16-20 AABCC

第二部分:(第一节 每小题2.5分,满分25;第二节 每小题2分,满分10分) 21-25. DBBCD 26-30. CDABC 31-35 BDEGF


A本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了一个新的研究,一边吃饭一边刷手机容易让人变胖。 21题D细节理解题为什么人们在一边吃饭一边刷手机的情况下容易过度饮食。由第一段 第三句可知,吃饭时看手机分散了对已吃食物数量的关注。故选D。

22题B细节理解题由第三段二,三句可知。The overweight 看手机时摄入616卡路里, 看手机时多摄入10%,故选B.

23题B段落大意题本文主要内容就是研究表明一边吃饭一边刷手机会摄入更多的卡路 里,使人变胖。


24题C推理判断题 根据第一段中的Spellmans一家的行为,不去教堂,狗跑到别人家的 院子里,家里发出很大的噪音,女孩们穿着随意可推断出母亲认为他们很不体谅别人,随意散漫。

25题D推理判断题 前文讲到母亲一直抱怨这一家人不体谅别人,随意散漫。因此对于男 孩们的热情帮助感到很吃惊。故选D.

26题C推理判断题 文章前半段,母亲因为这家人的行为对他们很不满,到后来男孩们的 热情帮助让母亲重新认识了这家人,因此“不能以貌取人”符合题意。 C 本文是一篇社会文化类阅读,主要讲述了Anurudh因为想要帮助孩子们都能获得疫苗,避免死亡,发明了Vaxxwagon可以将疫苗运送更远的地方.

27题 D 细节理解题 根据第一段,每年很多孩子死亡,是因为没有注射疫苗,这是因为运输和存储问题使他们无法获得有效的疫苗。故选D.

28题 A 细节理解题 根据第四段 The high school student invented Vaxxwagon, aportable vaccine-carrying device that generates its own power to keep lifesaving medicines cool as they're delivered to remote areas around the world.可知,Vaxxwagon的特别之处是它可以作为冰箱.故选A

29题 B 细节理解题 根据第四段第一句得知Anurudh最终还是接种了疫苗故A错误。根据第五段第四句可知C错误。根据第六段第二句可知D错误。根据第四段第二句和第五段第三句可知Anurudh发明的Vaxxwagon 是一种不需要用电的可储存运送疫苗的装置。故选B。

30题 C 推理判断题 A是冒险小说。B是医学教科书。C是科学杂志。D是旅游手册。故选C 。 第二节



31题 B此空位于句末,同时也是下文的起始句故选B。

32题 D上文提到Time is free but it’s priceless.因此一旦失去,就永远无法复得。故选D。

33题 E 根据前句Time is more valuable than money.承接上文,故选E。

34题 G 位于句中,承前启后。前文把钱和时间进行了对比,从后一句的句式也可得知选项G正确。

35题 F 此空位于句首,根据后文William Shakespeare所说的 不同的态度的人,时间对其的意义也是完全不同的,可知如何利用时间是我们自己的选择。故选F。

第三部分:(每小题1.5分,满分30分) 36-40 DAADB 41-45 BDACB 46-50 ABADA51-55 CDACB



37题C 这是一位喜欢种树的医生,因此时常看到他穿着工作服戴着草帽。 38题A他没有照看病人就在种树。

39题D他热爱种树,因此他的梦想是种出一片森林。花园不能称之为梦想,故选D。 40题B 他的种树理论非常有趣。

41题B根据下文可知他的理论是给小树苗浇水会把它宠坏的,使其不会自己寻找水源。 42题D他的理论,给小树苗浇水会把它宠坏的,使其变得越来越弱。 43题A 因此要给小树苗艰苦的生长环境。故选rough.

44题C 文本理解,给小树苗浇水很导致根生的浅,和下文不浇水长出deep roots对比。故


45题B in search of “寻找”

46题B 根据句意,前一句有He never watered his trees.因此每天早上不浇水而是… 47题B 因此每天早上不浇水,而是把报纸卷起来打 beat

48题把报纸卷起来打,这样做的目的是给它提醒,引起注意 get one’s attention. 49题D go to glory “去世”

50题A walk by “走过”时常我走过房子时,看那些以前种的树。 51题C Carried water to them. Sprayed them. Prayed over them.两年的照顾。故选caring. 52题D 冷风吹过,树木颤抖着树枝。

53题A 我常为孩子们祈祷,大部分是祈祷他们生活安逸。 54题C encounter 遭遇,碰到

55题B 我明白孩子们总会遇到挫折磨难,总会有冷风在某处吹。


56. whose 57.mouthless 58.including 59. mostly 60.with 61.amusement 62. Although/Though/While 63.is identified 64.our 65. where

56题whose考查定语从句的连接词 whose image