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3) Therefore, a dark-skinned person will produce less vitamin D than a light-skinned person when they received the same amount of sunlight. 4) Para. 5

5) The whole passage talk about the reasons for people’s different skin colours in the world.

第10讲 M10 U2 Project(1)

II. 1. 1) No one has had a greater impact on Western civilization than the ancient Greeks. 2) B

2. 1) The Roma originally lived in northern India in what is now Pakistan. 2) A 3) C

3. 1) He feels it a pleasure to help others to learn.

2) The heavy rain made it very difficult for the students to ride to school. 4. 1) The bank strongly resisted cutting interest rates. 2) I was unable to resist laughing. 3) A 4) A

5. 1) He made it clear that he objected. 2) C

3) I had no difficulty (in) making myself understood.

4) I had much difficulty (in) persuading him to change his mind. 6. 1) The pills the doctor gave me aren’t working. 2) My plan worked, and I got them to agree.

3) It is unrealistic that so many people will be present. 4) A 5) B 7. 1) B 2) D

III. 2. 1) Men usually go straight to what they want and leave quickly when shopping. 2) I admit his strengths, but I feel it unsuitable to offer him this important position. 3) You can hardly imagine the difficulty she had bringing up her four children. 4) I told Mum that I was too sick to go to school, but it didn’t work. 3. 1) 与??有关

2) 打算做某事,目的在于 3) 讲某种方言的人 4) 在??有共同之处 5) 抵制、反对做某事 6) 屈服于, 把??交给 7) 徒劳的

IV. (1) (L.22) in a roundabout way 以一种迂回的方式, 婉转地

(2) (L.22) in a chain of 一系列的,一连串的 (3) (L.25) in rags 衣衫褴褛的 (4) (L.26) earn sb. a reputation as 给某人赢得作为??的名声 (5) (L.28) have difficulty in doing sth. 做??有困难 (6) (L.35) lead sb. to do 导致某人做某事, 促使某人做某事 (7) (L.36) remove rights from sb. 剥夺某人的权利

(8) (L.43) abandon one’s nomadic lifestyle 放弃自己的游牧生活

(9) (L.45) practise their traditions (10) (L.46) take to


养成??习惯,培养??能力 (11) (L.49) at one’s worst 在最糟糕时 (12) (L.49) classify? as 把??分类为 (13) (L.50) plot to wipe sb. out 密谋消灭某人 (14) (L.51) in terror 处于恐惧状态 (15) (L.51) in large numbers 大量地 (16) (L.58) recognize? as 承认...作为

(17) (L.58) compensate sb. for sth. 因为??补偿某人 (18) (L.60) in part 部分地,在某种程度上

第11讲 M10 U2 Project(2) II. 1. D

2. 1) They are brothers, but have nothing in common in character. 2) In common with the young, he is fond of popular music. 3. 1) He is an artist rather than a politician.

2) He enjoys reading rather than watching TV. 3) She telephoned rather than wrote.

4) She likes to keep things rather than (to) throw them away. 5) B

4. 1) He submitted himself to a search by the guards. 2) She refused to submit to threats. 3) A

5. 1) All his efforts were in vain.

2) We tried to persuade him to stop smoking but in vain. 3) D 4) A

6. 1) We read stories concerning visitors from outer space.

2) He asked several questions concerning the future of the company. 3) D 4) C

7. 1) He took to studying English 5 years ago.

2) Mary took to her new teacher the first time they met. 3) I’ve taken to getting up very early. 4) D 5) C 6) B

8. 1) This book was printed in large numbers. It can’t have been sold out. 2) B

9. 1) Employers should compensate their workmen for injuries. 2) Nothing can compensate for the loss of time. 3) We'll compensate you for the damaged goods. 4) C

III. 1. chain 2. passport 3. citizenship 4. plotting 6. rays 7. compensate 8. roundabout 9. homeowner

第12讲 M10 U2 Consolidation


5. nursery 10. trend II. 21. they are looking at the matter from different angles. 22. We’ll be on the move next month 23. As he aged

24. may account for the small crowd 25. it was not surprising

26. cater to readers of different ages 27. are aimed at preventing violent crime 28. while others sought excitement 29. conducted in 2000

30. wandering (around) the town, doing nothing III. 31. to be produced 32. on which

33. With the development of 34. is home to 35. in vain

IV. 36. This sentence doesn’t make any sense. There must be something wrong with it. 37. What fun it is to jump into the river and have a swim on a hot summer day!

38. Teachers should try to make their teaching methods cater to their students’ interests and tastes.

39. She has formed the habit of making a mark where she doesn’t understand while reading. 40. As time went on, we found it more difficult to persuade him to abandon his plan.

或 With time going on, we found it more difficult to persuade him to abandon his plan.

第13讲 M10 U3 Reading(1) II. 1. D

2. 1) I haven’t seen Ann for so long that I’ve forgotten what she looks like. 2) C

3. 1) being repaired 2) to settle 3) cut 4) filling 5. 1) A 2) C

6. 1)He made it clear that he objected to the proposal.

2)He makes it a rule never to borrow money from others.

3). His help will make it possible for us to get through the difficulty.

7. 联合国艾滋病规划署正在做的控制这一全球性传染病的工作包括为被感染患者提供医生的援助和为自认为可能有艾滋病病毒和艾滋病的人提供体检。 8. C 9. A

III. 1. a far-off scream 2. lose sb. to sth. 3. attack the body’s immune system 4. infected people 5. a weakened immune system 6. spread across the world 7. at a frightening speed 8. account for 9. subscribe to 10. everywhere in between 11. test and monitor the disease 12. devote one’s body and soul to

13. Aids prevention education 14. be involved in 15. prevent the spread of Aids

16. set up treatment centers 17. be expected to 18. leave a scar on sb. 19. have access to 20. at risk

第14讲 M10 U3 Reading(2)

II.1.1) leak gas 2) leak the news to the press

2.1) If no action is taken, more and more children will lose their parents to Aids. 2) In the basketball game, we lost to their team, which made us very disappointed. 3) She borrowed a necklace, but she had it lost at the ball.

4) B

3.1)a cure for the disease 2)cure him of his cancer 3)cure him of his bad habits 4.翻译句子

1)Those who are in favor of the opinion account for 65%.

2)He lived in the USA for several years, which accounted for his good level of English. 3)Can you account for missing the school exam? 翻译下列短语:

1)对?进行叙述 2)将?考虑在内 3)决不 4)由于, 因为 5)为了某人的缘故 6)开账户

5.1) other than 2) Rather than 3) more than 4) more than 6.翻译下列短语:

1)冒着?的危险 2)处于危险之中 3)处于?的危险之中 4)冒险 5)冒着做某事的危险


1)He saved the child at the risk of getting drowned. 2)We cannot risk being caught in the rainstorm.

7.1)In the past, people subscribed to the view that the world was flat. 2)I subscribe to China Daily, and have it delivered every day. 8.1) Devoted 2)Having devoted

9.1)He was involved in the heated argument. 2)Don’t involve me in your business! Don’t get me involved in your business!

3)The interview involves interviewees answering five questions. 4) A

10.Many people in the world still have no access to clean drinking water. 11. 1)the answer to the question 2)a solution to the problem 3)an approach to solving the problem 4)notes to the text 5)access to education

第15讲 M10 U3 Grammar Ⅱ. (一,二略)

c. 1. A: The topic sentence is Life in 2010 will be much different from what it is today.

B: The topic sentence is Now you see how your life in 2010 will be different from your life today.

C: Life in 2010 will be different from what it is today.

Certainly all of us can look forward to many new advantages in 2010.

2. For one thing, you will sleep later because your job will start later in the morning. Too, machines will do most of your routine work for you. Also, you will travel to work on a moving