2020高中英语 1.3同步导学练习 外研版必修1(山东专版) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期四 文章2020高中英语 1.3同步导学练习 外研版必修1(山东专版)更新完毕开始阅读


(本栏目内容,在学生用书中以活页形式分册装订!) Ⅰ.单项填空

1.Mary wasn’t happy about the delay of the report by Bill,and________. A.I was neither B.neither was I C.I was either

D.either was I

解析: 表示“某人也不……”时,常用neither/nor+助动词/系动词/情态动词+主语。

答案: B

2.Do you know the meaning of “One country,two________”? A.correction C.systems

B.enjoyment D.fluency

解析: 考查名词。句意为:你知道“一国两制”的含义吗? 答案: C

3.A high school year in China,similar to the American one,is divided________two terms.

A.among C.up

B.by D.into

解析: be divided among在……中分配;be divided by被……来除;be divided up分配;be divided into被分成若干份。

答案: D

4.You say he works hard,________,and________. A.so he does;so you do C.so does he;so do you

B.so he does;so do you D.so does he;so you do

解析: so he does相当于he really works hard;so do you意思是you work hard,too。

答案: B

5.Soon after I took some medicine,my headache________. A.was disappeared C.was disappearing

B.disappeared D.had disappeared

解析: 句意为:服药不久,我的头痛就消失了。disappear为不及物动词,无被动语态形式,且此处是对过去情况的描述,故用一般过去时。

答案: B

6.Will you________us________singing the song? A.join;in C.attend;in

B.take part;in D.join;with

解析: join sb.in (doing) sth.表示加入某人中间和某人一起做某事。attend sth.表示出席某事;take part in sth.表示参加某事并起作用,但这两个短语后均不接人作宾语。

答案: A

7.The Red Army men________25,000 li on their Long March. A.walked C.run

B.covered D.go

解析: 句意为:红军长征走过了两万五千里。cover在本句中表示“走过”。 答案: B

8.You’d better________the good apples________the bad ones. A.separate;into C.separate;from

B.divide;into D.divide;from

解析: 词语辨析题。separate表示把连或靠在一起的两事物分开,而divide表示把整体分成若干部分。由句中的the good apples与the bad ones可知是将两类事物分开,separate与from连用,divide与into连用,故选C。

答案: C

9.There will be a discussion tomorrow,all those who want to________,please raise your hand.

A.take apart

B.take part in

C.join D.take part

解析: take part in参加,其中in为介词,后接宾语,若后面不带宾语,则把in省去。join是及物动词,其后应该有宾语,表示加入组织、团体等。

答案: D

10.$100 a month could hardly________the cost of his life in such a big city in this country.

A.cover C.include

B.afford D.contain

解析: 句意为:在这个国家这样一个大城市里,一个月100美元几乎不够他的日常生活费用。cover表示“足够支付”;afford买得起,负担得起,常用人作主语;include包括;contain包含。根据句意可知答案A。

答案: A

11.The factory produced________in 2020 as the year before. A.twice as many cars C.twice more cars

B.cars twice as many D.twice so many cars

解析: 考查倍数表达法。倍数应置于表示比较的结构词之前,但B项中的cars应于many之后;因题干中有as,与C项中的more矛盾,排除C项;D项中的so...as常用于否定句。

答案: A

12.The headmaster________a very good impression________the parents at the meeting.

A.got;with C.made;on

B.took;in D.did;on

解析: 句意为:校长在会议上给家长们留下了一个很好的印象。make a/an...impression on sb.为固定搭配,意为“给某人留下……印象”。

答案: C

13.Listen to the two girls!What language________? A.did they speak

B.were they speaking

C.are they speaking D.have they been speaking

解析: 由题意可知此处表示正在进行的动作,故用现在进行时表示。 答案: C

14.—Sorry to have kept you waiting. —________.

A.It’s all right C.No worry

B.It doesn’t matter D.That’s right

解析: 考查情景交际。It doesn’t matter.没关系。 答案: B

15.One of my close friends had a(n)________of this matter,so I had to explain it to him.

A.misunderstanding C.production

B.explanation D.result

解析: 句意为:我的一位好朋友误会了这件事,所以我不得不向他解释。misunderstanding“误解,误会”,符合题意。explanation解释;production生产;result结果。

答案: A Ⅱ.完形填空

Yesterday I had a walk with a friend in the street.When we were passing by a house,I__1__a BlackBerry cellphone.I picked it up and it still__2__!I started checking the contact list and calling numbers.I wanted to see__3__I could get some information about the owner of the phone.__4__,only one person answered and she didn’t recognize the__5__that I was calling from.In the end,she said,“It is just so nice that you are trying to__6__whose phone it is.”

Since that lady didn’t know whose phone it was,my friend__7__me to go back to the street.I__8__.We went back to the street and to the house__9__which we had found the BlackBerry cellphone.I__10__the door.Two