最新版2019-2020年人教版八年级英语上册Units3-4单元同步测试题及答案-精编试题 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章最新版2019-2020年人教版八年级英语上册Units3-4单元同步测试题及答案-精编试题更新完毕开始阅读

答案:As | long | as

4. 学校在教育中起着最为重要的作用。

Schools ______ the most important______ ______ education. 答案:play | role | in 5. 有时他把钱看得太重。

Sometimes he______ money______ ______. 答案:takes | too | seriously

六、根据对话内容,从方框中选出适当的选项补全对话, 其中有两个多余选项。(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)

A: Sandy! Look at the boy playing basketball over there! B: Who is he? A: He is Ted.

B: Do you know him well?

A: (1) He is a basketball star in our school. B: (2)

A: He is friendly and outgoing. B: (3)

A: Yes, we both like sports. And we both like playing basketball. But he plays it better than me. B: (4)

A: He does sports every day. For example, he plays basketball every afternoon after school.

B: Does he have any brothers or sisters? A: Yes, he has a twin brother. B: (5)

A: He is as tall as Ted, but he has big brown eyes. A. What is he like? B. What would he like?

C. Do you have anything in common? D. Is he more outgoing than you? E. Yes, I do.

F. What does he look like? G. How often does he do sports?

(1)________ 答案:E (2)________ 答案:A (3)________ 答案:C (4)________ 答案:G (5)________ 答案:F


1. shop, store, usual, cheap, theater, free, good, perform, nice, crowded

Our town is a great place to live in. It’s the best place to enjoy my (1) time.

There are three movie (2) . They are all good, but the one near my house is (3) .The most popular place for people to hang out is the park. Everyone goes there, so it’s really (4) . (5) is very convenient (方便的) in our town. There are many clothing stores and most of them are trendy. They sell very (6) clothes and the clothes are much (7) than those in other cities. There are also a lot of video and music (8) . They are very popular with students. Sometimes there are even street (9) .Some students think they’re boring, but I think they’re quite (10) . I want to be a street performer, too. (1)__________

答案:free (2)__________ 答案:theatres (3)__________ 答案:the best (4)__________ 答案:crowded (5)__________ 答案:Shopping (6)__________ 答案:nice (7)__________ 答案:cheaper (8)__________ 答案:stores (9)__________ 答案:performers (10)__________ 答案:unusual 八、书面表达。(15分)

1. 假如你是阳光中学的老师Mr. Chen,你的学生Jane要参加2016年奥运会志愿者选拔活动。Jane想让你为她写一封推荐信给布莱克先生。请你根据以下提示内容,为Jane写一封推荐信。

姓名 性格 特长 Jane 年龄 12 外向、勤奋、乐于助人 爱好 读书,网球打得更好 英语 座右铭 一个真正的朋友是在需要时给你帮助,使你感动。 要求:

其它 关心别人,随时听他们倾诉;能帮助好朋友们激发出他们最好的一面 1、包括信息中提及的所有内容,语句通顺,条理清楚。

2、字数80个词左右(开头已经给出,不计入总词数), 可适当加以发挥。 Dear Mr. Black,

I’m very glad to write this letter to you. My student Jane wants to be an

Olympic volunteer. I’d like to introduce her to you.

I think if you choose her, she will be a fantastic volunteer.

I’m looking forward to your reply.

Yours, Mr. Chen 答案:

Dear Mr. Black,

I’m very glad to write this letter to you. My student Jane wants to be an Olympic volunteer. I’d like to introduce her to you.

Jane is a twelve-year-old boy. She is quite different from the other students in my class. She is outgoing and she makes a lot of friends. She is also hard-working. She always helps others, so she is quite popular. She likes reading very much and she plays tennis better. She is good at English. She cares about others and she is always there to listen. She can also help to bring out the best in her good friends. Her favourite saying is : “A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart.” I think if you choose her, she will be a fantastic volunteer.

I’m looking forward to your reply. Yours, Mr. Chen