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【决战2010年12月六级】大学英语六级考试押题试卷(含答案) 惊爆价0.1元(21套)


little bit more to answer the question.

M: So, how do you think what you did?

W: Pretty well. I was running out of things to say towards the end, when I was writing about the causes of the Great Depression.

M: Wait a minute. That was only the second question. You mean you didn't even do Questions Three and Four.

W: Of course I did them. I just didn't do them in that order. With essay tests, I always read through the whole test before I begin. Then I answer the question I feel most confident about first. I knew the stuff for Question Three.

M: You mean the question on “presidential power”?

W: Right. I had prepared for that exact question, so I did it first. M: Yeah, but why not save time for the hard stuff?

W: I look at it this way: if I can't do everything, I'll do what I know best. Plus, while I'm writing the easy questions, I often bring some things that help me with the hard ones to my mind. M: You know, I did recall something in the middle of Question Four that I should have included in my first essay. But there wasn't time to go back. I really wish I could redo that answer. W: I'm sure you did fine anyhow. What are you going to do now?

M: I'm going to drop my books off at my room and then head for the pool. I need some exercise to help me unwind.

19.What were the speakers doing just a moment before the conversation? [答案解析] 推断题。由对话中的I'm glad that's over.(真高兴终于结束了。)和History's not like math—you always feel like you could have said a little bit more to answer the question.(历史可不像数学,你总觉得还可以多答些什么。)以及接下来两人讨论的试题内容可推断,两人刚才还在answering several history questions(答历史题)。答案是C。

[圈定关键词] oral interview, essays, history questions, answer [听前预测] 根据关键词推测谈话内容与学业有关。选项为过去进行时,问题应该是what were they doing?

20. A) Study for the next test with the woman. B) Take a makeup exam.

C) Rewrite his answer to one of the questions. D) Review his answers with the professor. 这道题您没有回答 【回答错误】 答案:C [听力原文]

What does the man wish he could do? [答案解析] 细节题。根据问题锁定对话中男士所说的I really wish I could redo that answer.(真希望我可以重答那个问题。)并且在本句之前他提到做其他题目的时候想起来前面的问题还有需要补充的东西,可是他没有时间了。所以他希望可以重新回答。答案是C。 [圈定关键词] the next test, makeup exam, rewrite his answer, review his answers

[听前预测] 根据关键词推测谈话内容与学业有关。选项为过去进行时,问题应该是what were they doing? 选项为动词原形,问题可能是what's the purpose of doing something?或者What could/would/might…someone do?

21. A) Return his books to the library. B) Take a nap.

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C) Study for a test. D) Go swimming. 这道题您没有回答 【回答错误】 答案:D [听力原文]

What will the man probably do after the conversation?

[答案解析] 推断题。男士在最后一句中提到I'm going to drop my books off at my room and then head for the pool.(我接下来要把书全扔在房间,然后去游泳池。)由此可以推断他接下来要做的是go swimming。答案是D。

[圈定关键词] 1ibrary, nap, study, swimming

[听前预测] 根据关键词推测谈话内容与学业有关。选项为过去进行时,问题应该是what were they doing? 选项为动词原形,问题可能是what's the purpose of doing something?或者What could/would/might…someone do?

Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 语音播放 语音下载

22. A) Movie on Display. B) Movie on the Show. C) Best-selling Movie. D) Shining Movie Stars. 这道题您没有回答 【回答错误】 答案:B


M: Welcome to “Movie on the Show”, today our guest is Nancy Meyers, director of the newly released movie “What Women Want”. Thank you for coming.

W: Thank you.

M: Meyers, how do you describe your film? Are you satisfied with it?

W: Well, I am happy to see it top the U.S. weekend box office. Have you seen the film? Ha, it tells the story of Nick Marshall, a Chicago advertising executive. He acquires the power to read women's minds, not just what they say but also what he hears them think. That's amazing, isn't it? I like the way Gibson interprets his role.

M: Yeah, Marshall regards himself as a gift to women. I saw the movie. Then why do you choose Mel Gibson? We know, audiences usually see him playing a man with a strong typical man side, such as in his previous action movies like “Brave Heart”, while “What Women Want” is what you termed as an old-fashioned romantic comedy.

W: You are right.That's precisely why I choose him. Gibson has been known as a joker on the set and a fan of silly comedy, but has not done many romantic comedies. I just want him to display his“feminine”potential in“What Women Want”. And I am grateful to see that he has done a good job.

M: What do you want audiences to learn from this film?

W: About Women. We should learn about women. They are individuals. What they appreciate is when you make the effort, even if you are not quite getting something they say. 22.What is the title of the program?

[答案解析] 细节题。对话一开始男士就说Welcome to“Movie on the Show”(欢迎来到“Movie on the Show”),并且正文就一部正在上映的电影展开对话,由此可知“Movie on the Show”是节目的名称。答案是B。

[圈定关键词] Movie on Display, Show, Best-selling Movie, Movie Stars

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【决战2010年12月六级】大学英语六级考试押题试卷(含答案) 惊爆价0.1元(21套)


[听前预测] 本段对话出现很多与电影相关的词,说明谈话内容与电影有关。选项第一个单词的字母大写,问题可能为topic或title。 23. A) It tops the U. S. annual box office.

B) Its main character is an advertising executive. C) The main actor is Tom Cruise. D) It is an old-fashioned silly comedy. 这道题您没有回答 【回答错误】 答案:B [听力原文]

Which of the following is true about the movie?

[答案解析] 细节题。女士在介绍电影时说“What Women Want”这部电影top the U.S. weekend boxoffice(位列美国电影票房周冠军),电影是an…romantic comedy(一部浪漫喜剧),电影的男主角是Mel Gibson,他在影片中扮演a Chicago advertising executive(一位芝加哥广告总监)。答案是B。

[圈定关键词] box office, main character, Tom Cruise, comedy

[听前预测] 本段对话出现很多与电影相关的词,说明谈话内容与电影有关。提供的是有关电影的票房收入,主角,演员和主题的信息,问题应该是判断选项是否符合事实。 24. A) Gibson is very popular with audience.

B) Gibson is experienced in playing feminine roles. C) Gibson has the necessary ability for the role. D) Gibson interprets the role to Meyer's satisfaction. 这道题您没有回答 【回答错误】 答案:C [听力原文]

Why did Meyers choose Gibson to play the role of Marshall?

[答案解析] 推断题。男士问女士为什么让Gibson担任男主角,女士回答说Gibson has been known as a joker on the set and a fan of silly comedy(Gibson在片场是有名的喜欢开玩笑的人,而且他还是个喜剧迷),也就是说Meyers认为Gibson has necessary ability(有这个能力)演好这个角色。答案是C。

[圈定关键词] Gibson, feminine roles, ability, satisfaction

[听前预测] 本段对话出现很多与电影相关的词,说明谈话内容与电影有关。选项是对于Gibson作为一个演员的评价,主要是他的优势,因此问题可能是选择他扮演电影角色的原因。

25. A) Men should remember whatever women say. B) Men should give women whatever they want.

C) Women give it when men fail to catch what they say.

D) Women appreciate it when men make an effort to understand them. 这道题您没有回答 【回答错误】 答案:D [听力原文]

What does the movie try to tell audience? [答案解析] 细节题。男士问女士“这部电影想告诉观众什么?”女士说希望观众学会了解女性,并指出女性赞赏的精神是when you make the effort, even if you are not quite getting something

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【决战2010年12月六级】大学英语六级考试押题试卷(含答案) 惊爆价0.1元(21套)


they say.(即使你不能透彻地理解她们的想法,但是你努力去理解。)答案是D。

[圈定关键词] remember, give, appreciate

[听前预测] 本段对话出现很多与电影相关的词,说明谈话内容与电影有关。四个陈述比较概括,可能是概括主题判断正误。 Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. Questions 26 to 29 are based on the passage you have just heard. 语音播放 语音下载 26. A) Graduation.

B) A class reunion.

C) The dedication of a new building.

D) The groundbreaking ceremony for a pedestrian walkway on campus. 这道题您没有回答 【回答错误】 答案:B


It is a great privilege for me to be invited to speak at the tenth year reunion of State University's graduating class. When you arrived on campus today, after a decade, you were probably impressed by two changes at State: one, the absence of University of Tower, the first building constructed on the campus, and a historic landmark for many years; and two, the disappearance of parking lots on main campus.

Two years ago University Tower was inspected and found to be unsafe. In spite of efforts to restore it, it was necessary to level the building. A bell tower was constructed on the same site, built for the most part using the good brick that was saved from the original building. The original bells were also preserved. As for the parking lots, they have been replaced by grass, trees, and pedestrian walkways. Parking is now located in parking garages on the North and West sides of the campus.

Two more subtle changes have occurred within the past decade. One is the creation and expansion of the Division of Continuing Education for the Community, including a Saturday and summer enrichment program for children, and an afternoon and evening special interest program for adults. The other is the addition of the student population of many young people from abroad, especially students from Japan, Latin America, and the Middle East. Most international students are enrolled in the College of Engineering and the College of Business.

And so, State is a different place, but like University Tower, it is built of the same brick. We are still committed to the same age-old ideals “quality education for our citizens”. but we have extended our commitment beyond the borders of our state and nation to encompass the citizens and nations of the world.

26.What is the occasion for the man's speech? [答案解析] 细节题。根据短文的第一句话It is great privilege for me to be invited to speak at the tenth year reunion of State University's graduating class.(能被邀请在我们毕业十年的班级聚会上发表演说是我莫大的荣幸。)因此事件为班级聚会。答案是B。

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