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【决战2010年12月六级】大学英语六级考试押题试卷(含答案) 惊爆价0.1元(21套)


D) Only physical disaster can damage your computer. 这道题您没有回答 【回答错误】 答案:D 细节题。根据题目找到小标题Come What May下第一到第三句Not all home computer damage results from physical disaster. Many less menacing problems can also hobble your PC or destroy your information. Systems crash, kids“rearrange”data, adults inadvertently delete files.(不是所有的电脑损坏都由于实物灾难引起的。系统崩溃,孩子的“重组数据”,大人不小心删除文件,这些威胁小一些的问题也会导致电脑运行慢或信息丢失。)答案是D。

8. The backup and recovery tools must be ______to deal with various computer crises. 这道题您没有回答 答案:flexible enough

细节题。根据题目中的backup and recovery tools找到小标题Come What May下最后一句Computer crises come in all shapes and sizes, and your backup and recovery tools must be flexible enough to meet each challenge. (电脑危机形式多样,你的备份和恢复工具必须足够灵活以迎接各种挑战。)因此对应本题的答案就是flexible enough。

9. The quality of your backup tools determines whether you are frustrated or______ when disaster strikes.


答案:have a peaceful mind

细节题。根据题目中的The quality of your backup tools找到小标题The Right Tools for the Right Job下第一段第一句When disaster strikes, the quality of your backup tools can make the difference between utter frustration and peace of mind.(当灾难来临时,是彻底的崩溃还是内心平静,备份工具的质量将起决定作用。)由此可得答案have a peaceful mind。 10. You should prepare for your computer disasters______. 这道题您没有回答 答案:now and again

细节题。根据题目中的prepare for your computer找到最后一段倒数第二句Buy a good set of disaster recovery tools, set up an automatic backup schedule, and perform a dry run every now and again.(买一套好的恢复工具,建立自动备份的日程表,偶尔进行演习以应付电脑灾难。)由此可得答案为now and again。 Part Ⅲ Listening Comprehension Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

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11. A) 450 million. B) 400 million. C) 550 million. D) 470 million. 这道题您没有回答 【回答错误】 答案:A [听力原文]

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【决战2010年12月六级】大学英语六级考试押题试卷(含答案) 惊爆价0.1元(21套)


M: How many people speak English as their native tongue?

W: Roughly I imagine about two hundred and fifty million in the United States and two hundred million in the British Commonwealth.

Q: How many people are believed to be native speakers of English?

[答案解析] 细节题。这个类型的题明显是要考查考生对数字的分析和理解能力。本题问的是“有多少人母语是英语?”

根据女士的回答Roughly I imagine about two hundred and fifty million in the United States and two hundred million in the British Commonwealth.(我估计大概美国有2.5亿人,英联邦有2亿人。)可知答案是A。

[圈定关键词] 450, 400, 550, 470, million

[听前预测] 根据关键词推测对话内容与数字有关,问题可能是考查考生对数字的分析和理解。

12. A) Her son is still hungry. B) She doesn't have enough money. C) Her son is too fat. D) She doesn't know what to do. 这道题您没有回答 【回答错误】 答案:C [听力原文]

M: I'm still hungry,mother. I want the chocolate cake that I saw on the menu.

W: But your weight is already a regular problem. Eat something that won't make you fatter. Q: What is the mother worried about?

[答案解析] 推理判断题。本题问“妈妈担心什么?”根据女士说的But your weight is already a regular problem.(但你的体重已经是一个问题了。)可知女士在担心儿子太胖了。A是说女士的儿子还是饿,这是对话中的一个细节,但并不是女士最担心的,所以可以排除;B是说女士没有足够的钱;D是说女士不知道该做什么,这两项内容对话未提及,故可以暂时排除;因此答案是C。

[圈定关键词] hungry, money, fat

[听前预测] 根据关键词推测对话内容与谈论吃东西场景有关,问题可能是询问说话人对这个事情的看法或者态度。

13. A) Walking. B) Driving.

C) Reading a book. D) Rowing a boat. 这道题您没有回答 【回答错误】 答案:D [听力原文]

W: Look here, Peter. The Nile is longer than the Mississippi. M: Maybe. But the Nile doesn't have as much river traffic.

Q: What ate the man and woman probably doing? [答案解析] 推理判断题。该题问的是“说话人可能正在做什么?”说话人提到了两条河的名字,即Nile(尼罗河)和 Mississippi(密西西比河),而且男士还说But the Nile doesn't have as much river traffic.(但尼罗河上交通没这么密集。)由此可以推测他们在谈论河流内容,很可能在划船,答案是D。

[圈定关键词] walking, driving, reading, rowing

[听前预测] 根据关键词推测对话内容与谈论说话人的活动如散步,驾车,读书和划船有关。 14. A) The woman is entirely wrong.

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【决战2010年12月六级】大学英语六级考试押题试卷(含答案) 惊爆价0.1元(21套)


B) He is doubtful about it.

C) The decision should be made as soon as possible. D) He approves of it.

这道题您没有回答 【回答错误】 答案:B [听力原文]

W: I think we should do more to expand our business still further.

M: No, to go back to what, I was saying earlier, we really need to think again before making the decision.

Q: What does the man think of the woman's suggestion? [答案解析] 推理判断题。选项表明对话内容谈论说话人对某件事情的看法,男士说No, to go back to what I was saying earlier, we really need to think again before making the decision.(不,回到我之前的话题,在做决定之前我们还应再考虑一下。)男士给出no的回答,表明男士不同意女士提出的建议,并补充说要再考虑,表明男士持怀疑态度,A是说女士完全的错误,对话中并没有这么说;C是说他们应该尽快决定,恰恰相反,男士还要再考虑;D表示男士同意,也不对。答案是B。

[圈定关键词] doubtful, wrong, decision, approves

[听前预测] 根据关键词推测对话内容是谈论说话人对一些事情的看法或态。 15. A) It's a difficult job. B) It's a piece of cake.

C) It's too sophisticated for both of them. D) It's a well-paid job.

这道题您没有回答 【回答错误】 答案:A [听力原文]

M: Dr. Hanson wants to redecorate the patients' waiting room. He asked me to do some research to find out what colors would be best.

W: That sounds like quite a job. How did you research something like that? Q: What is the woman's opinion of the research work?

[答案解析] 细节题。选项表明对话内容与谈论工作有关。A是说有难度的工作;B是说很轻松的工作;C是说这个对他们双方来说都太复杂了。此选项内容与其他选项内容谈论的话题不符合,故可以排除;D是说是很高薪水的工作,根据女士的回答That sounds like quite a job.(听起来这工作不简单啊。)说明女士给出的评价是有难度的工作。答案是A。 [圈定关键词] difficult, job, piece of cake, sophisticated, well-paid

[听前预测] 根据关键词推测对话内容与谈论工作有关,并且和谈论对工作的评价有关。 16. A) The first page. B) The last page.

C) A page in the middle of the book. D) A page very close to the end. 这道题您没有回答 【回答错误】 答案:D [听力原文]

W: Show me that sentence you were talking about. What page is it on?

M: It's near the end of the book, on the next-to-last page. Right here, in this middle paragraph, Q: Which page was the man talking about?

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[答案解析] 细节题。选项表明对话内容与谈论读书和询问书的页数有关。A是说第一页;B是说最后一页;C是说书的中间页数;D是说非常接近后面的一页,根据男士的回答It's near the end of the book, on the next-to-last page.(接近书的结尾部分,倒数第二页。)所以答案是D。 [圈定关键词] page, last page, book, close to

[听前预测] 根据关键词推测对话内容与谈论读书有关,并且与书的页码有关。 17. A) Her money was stolen. B) A man kicked her. C) She felt sick. D) She was disgraced. 这道题您没有回答 【回答错误】 答案:A [听力原文]

M: Now, Mrs. Thorpe, can you remember what the pickpocket looked like? W: I'll never forget him. It's disgraceful, picking on elderly people like me.

Q: What happened to the woman?

[答案解析] 推理判断题。选项表明对话内容是谈论发生在女士身上的事情。根据男士的问题what the pickpocket looked like?(那个小偷长什么样?)可以推测出女士的钱包被人偷了。答案是A。

[圈定关键词] stolen, kicked, sick, disgraced

[听前预测] 根据关键词推测对话内容与谈论女士发生的状况有关,问题可能会询问发生在女士身上的事情。

18. A) 7:00. B) 7:10. C) 7:30. D) 7:50. 这道题您没有回答 【回答错误】 答案:B [听力原文]

W: Do we have enough time for the 7:30 train if we get off right away?

M: No, it's too late. It's impossible for us to get to the station in 20 minutes. Q: What time is it now?

[答案解析] 推理判断题。选项表明对话内容与谈论时间有关。对话中女士开始说,如果现在出发的话.我们有没有足够的时间赶上7:30的火车,男士回答No, it's too late. It's impossible for us to get to the station in 20 minutes. (不,太迟了,我们没有可能在20分钟之内到达火车站。)可以听出现在的时间是7:10。答案是B。 [圈定关键词] 7:00, 7:10, 7:30, 7:50

[听前预测] 根据关键词推测对话内容与考查时同有关。 Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 语音播放 语音下载

19. A) They were responding to an oral interview. B) They were making outlines of their essays. C) They were answering several history questions. D) They were evaluating each other's answer. 这道题您没有回答 【回答错误】 答案:C

[听力原文]19-21 M: I'm glad that's over.

W: I know what you mean. History's not like math—you always feel like you could have said a

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