2014年宁波市中考英语试卷分析 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章2014年宁波市中考英语试卷分析更新完毕开始阅读

83. reading a _______ every morning is a good way to improve your english.

84. the sun p_______ us with light and heat. we can\85. last year many of his short stories were t________ into some foreign languages.


meaning phrase compare honest describe

as we know, there are differences between western culture and chinese culture.

let\look at the words about animals. most 86 in chinese about the dog, for example,\a mouse\considered 88 and good friends of humans. in english, \89 positive behavior. for example, \lucky person.

we can learn about many differences in cultures by 90 how people use certain words.

ix. 书面表达(共1小题;满分15分)


注意:1.信中应包含所有提供的信息并展开合理的想象; 2.信中不能出现真实的姓名; 3.词数:80左右(信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。 dear daddy,

it\ i still remember the day last summer when____________________________________


now, i want to say : i love you, daddy. you raise me up ! happy father\



1—5 cbaab

ii.听长对话,回答问题 6—10 bccab 11—15 aabcb

iii.听短文,回答问题 16—20 bcaca



21—25 bacdd 26—30 bdbca 31—35 bcada


36—40 baddc 41—45 dbcca 46—50 bdcba


51—55 adcab 56—60 bdcda 61-65dbacb 66—70 dbcac vii. 任务型阅读 71—75 acbdc viii.词汇运用

76. mistake 77. empty 78. clearly 79. explaining 80. dreams

81. height 82. modern 83. aloud 84. provides 85. translated

86. phrases 87. meanings 88. honest 89. describe 90. comparing ix.书面表达

one possible version dear daddy,


i still remember the day last summer when we went mountain climbing together. we started early in the morning. but, unluckily, it began to rain on the half way. i got all wet through, feeling cold and tired. so i could\help complaining and wanted to give up. however, you encouraged me not to give up and put your coat on me softly. you said, \fantastic scenery unless we reach the top\cheered me up. we got to the top at last and enjoyed the beauty of the nature that i had never seen.

now, i want to say : i love you, daddy. you raise me up ! happy father\

yours, mike

(92 words)