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------minutes \\hours. Ask for volunteers to present.


When they are at the airport what will they talk about ? 4.Use the Ss Book and Audiotape

Play the audiotape as the student follow it and find out “What’re the surprises for Li Ming and Jenny” ? 5.Role-Play

让学生分角色朗诵课文。 6。Sing the Song

Ask Ss to sing this song after the tape. 7.Homework

Ask Ss to write a postcard for Li Ming or Jenny . 三、Class Closing 四、课后小练笔 1、选择填空。

1) A: _______is it from school to the library ? B: Two hours.

A. How B. how much C. how long D: How often 2) A: _______is it from school to your home ? B: Three kilometers .

A. How B. how much C. how long D: How often

3). A: ______ are they ? B: Five dollars .

A. How B. how much C. how long D: How often 4). A: ______do you go to school ? B :by bike.

A. How B. how much C. how long D: How often 板 书 设 计 Lesson 23 Good-bye! New words: good-bye, hear. How long is -----?-----