(word完整版)牛津上海版英语二年级第一学期课文内容 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期四 文章(word完整版)牛津上海版英语二年级第一学期课文内容更新完毕开始阅读

2. A:My nose is small. B:My nose is big.

A:No. your nose is not very big. 3. A:My eyes are big. Your eyes are … B:My eyes are small. Play a game A:I’m Giant now.

I’m big and tall. My hair is short. And my eyes are big. B:Yes. You’re Giant.

You’re big and tall. Your hair is short. And your eyes are big. Learn the letters Kk kite 风筝 Ll lion 狮子 Look! A lion! Look! A kite!

Look! A lion and a kite. A big lion and a small kite. Module 3 Places and activities

Unit 1 In the children’s garden Look and learn slide 滑梯 swing 秋千 seesaw 跷跷板 Look and say

学会对话:A:What can you see? 你能看到什么?

B:I can see …我能看到。。。

A:What can you see? B:I can see a swing. C:I can see a slide. D:I can see a seesaw. Ask and answer

学生:What can you see, Tom? TOM:I can see a bee. 学生:What colour is it? TOM:It’s yellow. Listen and enjoy Thin boy, fat boy, One and two. Thin boy, fat boy, I see you.

Thin boy up, Fat boy down, You like to play, Up and down. Big dog, small dogs, One, two, three. Big dog, small dogs, I can see. Big dog up, Small dogs down, They like to play, Up and down. Learn the letters Mm mouse 老鼠 Nn net 网 I can see a mouse. I can see a man. The man has a net. The mouse is in the net. Unit 2 In my room Look and learn bag 包

box 箱子 desk 桌子 chair 椅子 Look and say

学会:Put … in … /on …把。。。放在。。。里/上 Dad : Put the book in the bag, Eddie. Eddie : OK, Dad.

Dad : Put the bag in the box, please. Eddie : Yes, Dad.

Dad : Put the box on the chair, please. Eddie : OK, Dad.

Dad : Oh, no. Put the box on the desk. Eddie : All right. Say and act

Kitty’s desk Kityy的书桌 Mum: Look at your desk, Kitty. Mum: Put the books in the bag, please. Kitty : OK, Mum.

Mum: Put the pencils in the pencil case, please. Kitty : All right. Play a game

Mum: Oh, Ben. Look at your room.